[005] The Abandoned Dorm Mystery and Shadow Duelist Appear?!

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The Abandoned Dorm, a forbidden place as per the rules at Duel Academy, and a spooky one at that. It wasn't like any of the dorms today, heck if it was still a verified, living dorm people would be ecstatic to live at least in the Slifer Red Dorm. It was a large, run-down building with boards over the windows and the front door broken open. As lonely as the place was, one person frequently visited since she came to the island.

That person was Alexis Rhodes. She walked through the trees and stopped right at the wall and 'Do not enter' sign. Next, she laid down a red rose at base of the wall and prayed...

"Be at peace brother, wherever you are..."


Over at the Slifer Red Dorm Aira, Syrus and Chumley were telling ghost stories, they had a single candle lit in the middle of the table and a deck of cards there for taking turns telling ghost stories.

It was currently Syrus' turn.

"I went out into the woods, and underneath the full moon, I see a path leading to a cavern that seems... abandoned!" Syrus said taking his turn.

"Oh really?" Aira asked interested. "And then what?"

"Then at the back of the cavern I see a mysterious lake. So I go in to look very carefully. And under just the right angle of light, at the very bottom of the lake beyond my reflection, I see a rare and powerful card. Naturally, I go to get it, but when I reach out for it...an arm shoots out of the water, grabs me, and begins to PULL ME INTO THE LAKE! AAAAAHHHHHH! HELP ME, NOT THE WATER, NOT THE WATER!" Apparently Syrus had gotten too much into his story.

Aira looked at Syrus with unfazed looks.

"Water's not scary Sy." Aira deadpanned.

"Even dirty swamp water?" Syrus sighed and the Elemental user shook her head, "You're right, only a chump would be afraid of a story like that." He said unaware that Chumley had taken a position in the far corner of the room.

"Still, good story," Aira said picking up a four star monster called Earthbound Spirit. "Mid-level scares for a mid-level card." Apparently, the rules were you had to tell a scary story depending on the Level of the monster was. She then drew a card from the deck. "But me, I hope I can get a high number card..." But the card Aira drew was Sinister Serpent, a weak one star monster. "Oh..."

"Lucky..." Syrus said.

"Yeah you lucked out. You don't have to scare us at all with that low card." Chumley walked back to the table.

"Well, I think I have a story that might do the trick," Aira said putting the card down. "Actually, it's more of a memory. Back when I was a little kid, I used to hear sounds, but I only hear them way late at night. I think I was dreaming, but then... I heard them... they sounded like voices, but not ones that I recognized. I would go into the playroom to investigate but when I did, there was nothing there at all... except my cards."

"And...?" Syrus urged.

"And that's the end of the story." She blunty said making Syrus and Chumley groaned. 'It was after all my cards.'

"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! I want to get in on the fright fest!" A voice said from behind Aira.

"GYAH!" Aira, Syrus, and Chumley, suddenly got scared with Chumley being in the corner of the wall and Aira jumping from where the sound came from.

It was only Professor Banner and Pharaoh though.

"You... you just did." Aira said breathing, "We're kind of on the edge of our seats here."

"Or at least we were." Syrus added.

Chumley was still back to the corner again, cowering.

Everyone relaxed again.

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