Deciding One's Future

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After the excitement of the weekend, Ben and Kendo went back to school as usual. But as they went through the motions of"ordinary school life", things where happening elsewhere.



the strange squid-faced figure floated in the same tube.

Servant: my liege, the droids have failed to retrieve the omnitrix

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Servant: my liege, the droids have failed to retrieve the omnitrix. Shall we send more?

???: No, this new host of the omnitrix has proven to be of great power...and perseverance!



Class seemed to never end for Ben. After writing the notes that the teacher had wrote on the board simply because he had nothing to do, he still couldn't shake how much had happened over the weekend. He looked down at his wrist, and couldn't help but stare at the watch. full of curiosity, he couldn't help but wonder what other forms where just waiting to be unlocked, or what secrets there were to uncover. For the first time, He felt like the whole world was a his fingertips. all he had to to, was reach out and grab it. However, he was soon snapped out of this trance, as the teacher spoke up.

Teacher: ok everyone, as third year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your future, and what you want to do with your lives.

Everyone pays attention.

Teacher: i could pass out some career aptitude tests but... WHY BOTHER? I know you all want to enter the hero track!

Every student starts to get all exited, and activate their quirks. There was a student covered in rock, a student with monkey ears, a student who pulled their eyeballs out,a shy boy with green hair who doodled in his notebook, and our protagonist, Ben.

Teacher: yes, yes i know, you've all got some very impressive quirks, But you know the rules. No quirks allowed in school, get a hold of yourselves!

???: hey teach.

The camera cuts to an ash blonde boy with his feet up on his desk, reclining in his chair.

The camera cuts to an ash blonde boy with his feet up on his desk, reclining in his chair

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Not Your Typical Hero (Ben 10 x MHA crossover)Where stories live. Discover now