X = Ben + 2

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(I do not own Ben 10, My Hero Acadamia, or any of the art in this chapter)


"Ben?!" Todoroki asked. "Dammit, something's wrong with him. We're on our own."

Todoroki flared up his left side as the three charged at Stain.

Meanwhile, Ben was floating in an empty space with what looked like 2 masks.

Meanwhile, Ben was floating in an empty space with what looked like 2 masks

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"Yes this is awesome! This is just the kind of power-up I needed!"Ben said."How do I make something else happen?"

"You are one of three." Said the angry looking mask.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ben said. "Team Alien X move out!"

Ben began to float away, but soon realized that the two behind him weren't following.

"We are one of the most powerful beings in the universe!" The female face said.

"Because we are the most deliberative." The angry face said. 

"I am Serena, the voice of love and compassion." Serena said.

"And I'm Belicus, the voice of rage and aggression." Belicus said. 

"Me and Belicus have been locked in eternal argument..." Serena said.

"You're supposed to be the voice of reason!" Belicus said.

"Well that's um.... great and all, but my friends are still in danger!" Ben said.

"I feel sorrow, innocent lives will be lost..." Serena said.

"Meh, they probably got it coming." Belicus said. "Got it genius? We deliberate. Now you try."

"I want to see what's going on with my friends." Ben said.

"Seconded." Serena said.

"Motion carried."

A flash of light appeared behind Belicus and Serena, and a window appeared, showing Ben what was going on as if he was seeing through Alien X's eyes.

"Looks like they're ok." Ben said breathing a sigh of relief. 

"See? they can take care of themselves!" Belicus said.

"Well we have to do something about it!" Ben said. "We don't know how long they can hold off for-"

"Well we have to take a vote." Said Serena.



[Meanwhile, with Stain]

Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida were still struggling against the hero killer.

Stain threw a knife at Midoriya, who narrowly dodged, causing the knife to bounce off of Alien X's top horn.

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