All Might

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He then jumped onto the railing of the ship. His jaw then unhinged, and he fired a sonic blast into the water, blowing multiple of them out, but also creating a massive whirlpool.

Villain: Aah, i'm getting sucked in!

Villain: Aah, me too!

Blitzwolfer: Ok ladies, let's get out of here! Please keep all appendages inside the ride at all times!

He then picked Mina and Tsu up in, each in one hand, and fired another sonic blast from his mouth, propelling them out if there.

Blitzwolfer: You guys ok?

Tsu: yeah, thanks... it looks like we passed the shipwreck part of the exercise!



Blitzwolfer: Aah, dry ground! I'll never take you for granted again!


Yayorozu, Kaminari, and Jiro are completly surrounded by a group of villains.


Jiro: Will you keep it down a little bit? For now, we have to focus on beating these enemies! Why can't you just zaap these guys so we can get out of here!?

Kaminari: Weren't you paying attention during training? I can cover my body in electricity, but if i try to shoot it, it'll go everywhere, i'd take you guys out too! I'm completly useless here, it's up to you guys!

Jiro: New plan, you're my human stun-gun!

She kicked him into a villain, who got shocked badly, incapacitating him.

Kaminari: No way, i'm super strong! You guys can count on me!

Jiro: You are exhausting🤦

Another villain tried swinging a mace at the group, but Jiro blew it apart with her quirk.

Yayorozu: You're lucky that worked!

Jiro: Ok, next time i'll ask before saving our butts!

Present Mic: Kyoka Jiro-she can amplify her heartbeat and shoot out Large waves of sound!

Yayorozu: It's ready, sorry, it takes a while to make something big like this!

She created a large sheet of insulaton, covering her and Jiro.

Villain: Is that a blanket, that supposed to protect you?

Yayorozu: It's a sheet of insulation 100 mm thick, go kaminari!

Present Mic: Momo Yayorozu Quirk: Creation! She can create any object from her body as long as she knows the molecular structure of what she's making!

Kaminar: Now i dont have to worry about hurting my friends, YOU GUYS ARE FRIED!

He sent electricity shooting everywhere, incapacitating all the villains.

Present Mic: Denki Kaminari: quirk, Electrification! he can cover himself in electricity, or shoot it, but if he uses too much, it scrambles his brain and turns him into a babbling idiot, i mean just look at him!

Yayorozu: Good, now that they're all taken care of, now we need to go find the others.

???: They're not ALL taken care of!

Jiro and Yayorozu turned around to see a villain with a mask holding up Kaminari, who was now completly defensless.

Jiro and Yayorozu turned around to see a villain with a mask holding up Kaminari, who was now completly defensless

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