Chapter 2 - My Road

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Not a lot of things happened after, according to Mingyu. After the unexpected encounter between him and Woozi, he couldn't get Woozi out his head. He started to lose focus in every subject as he would play with his pen, stare out at the horizon, or simply daydream.

The final bell rang, and Mingyu was eager to return home in spite of his parents' absence. They're never home anyways, Mingyu thought.

With another rake of his hand through his slick black hair, he slung his backpack on his right shoulder for the last time of the day. He went straight to his shoe locker, only to witness an unusual sight.

It was Woozi, yet again. He was sitting on one of the benches between the rows of the shoe lockers. His head was hung low, and he was clutching a piece of paper which Mingyu couldn't make out the kind.

As much as Mingyu wanted to walk over to his senior, he hesitated just as much. He unconsciously kept on taking half-steps forward and full steps backward.

"I know you're there." Mingyu muttered a subtle curse as he heard the elder's voice; full of mockery and utter sarcasm.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spy on you or something." Mingyu finally revealed himself as he slowly approached his senior.

Woozi waved the apology aside with a chuckle, now looking up at the younger. "You don't need to be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." He unconsciously hid the crumpled paper inside his pocket, hoping that Mingyu didn't notice.

Apparently, it worked. Mingyu forgot all about the paper, now focusing to who was in front of him. He shrugged nervously before answering, "I d-don't know- uh, yeah. Okay. Sorry." He mentally face-palmed himself at how socially awkward he was.

He earned a shake of the elder's head and another soft giggle to go along with it. "Stop shrugging, shrugger." Woozi stood up, feeling a little self-conscious at the height difference once again. He punched the younger's chest with the smallest energy he could form at his last word.

Mingyu was slightly taken aback from the sudden friendliness Woozi was showing him, taking a couple of steps backward as a tiny acknowledgement. Although Mingyu wasn't sure if it was necessary.

He shyly nodded at the older's request, fixing the strap of his backpack without any other words.

A few moments passed without any words, only the sound of the clock ticking and the swooshes of the wind were audible.

Woozi's face lit up and he snapped his fingers as if remembering something, but Mingyu somehow assumed he was doing it to break the awkward silence.

"Oh, right! Were you about to take your shoe?" Woozi asked, which reminded Mingyu of the first purpose he came here for.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. It's right over here." Mingyu started to move out of his stiff posture, now reaching up for his shoes. Woozi watched the younger as he put on his shoes, feeling an abrupt stretch of his lips.

"Let's go out together." Woozi's offer caused a snap of Mingyu's head towards him with a bewildered look.

Woozi somehow sensed the slight shock and confusion of his tall friend, clearing his throat before giving further explanation. "To the gate, idiot."

Mingyu blinked once before a series of them followed after a short interlude between. "R-Right. I know that was what you meant."

He decided to take a step towards the gate first, but was held back by a strong tug on his sleeve, pulling him back like pulling a catapult.

"Wait for me, shrug head." Woozi let go of the younger's sleeve and starts walking together, coincidentally in unison with every step they took.

"Wait, I didn't catch your name." Woozi asked as he closed the gate behind him without locking it.

Mingyu was slightly disappointed that Woozi didn't know his name the whole time, but he decided to shrug it off.

"It's Mingyu. Kim Mingyu." He answered with his hands buried inside the pockets of his pants in attempt to keep his cool.

"Mingyu. Alright." The elder playfully raised his shoulders. "So this is where we part ways, huh? Nice meeting you, Mingyu." He extended his hand to the younger.

"Yeah, it's been really cool. I mean, you're cool- it's been really nice, I mean- ugh. I suck with words." Mingyu sighed and look down at his feet, still obliging the offer. The blonde senior laughed a little before continuing, "you're really awkward, aren't you? But it's okay, makes you different."

Mingyu gave out a wide smile, something he hasn't done in a while. "T-Thanks, Woozi-sunbaenim."

"I told you not to call me with -sunbae, didn't I?" Woozi sighed at the younger's formal actions. Mingyu nodded, still with his hands inside his pocket.

"Good that. Bye!" Woozi beamed as he waved at him, almost prancing towards the direction Mingyu was supposed to be heading.

"Bye.." Mingyu muttered faintly, only then realizing that his senior was going to the same direction.

We're probably in a different road, Mingyu thought to himself as he started walking there as well.

Woozi plugged in his earphones as jammed to the music, bobbing his head forward together with the beat. Despite the loud music, he could feel footsteps behind him, casing him to look back. Woozi blinked at the figure, "why are you following me?"

Mingyu stuttered with his words as slight panic arises in him, jazzing his hands as he spoke. "I-I-I'm not f-following you! My p-place has the same direction as y-yours."

Woozi replied with a simple and calm manner, "Oh. C'mere, then. We can walk together."

Mingyu widened his eyes at the offer, but then jogged to oblige with a smile across his lips. The elder welcomed him with a wider smile than his, fond growing more and more in Woozi.

Awkward silence filled the atmosphere, both wondering a million thoughts at the same time. Mingyu would check his phone from to time, and Woozi would hum a tune he wasn't familiar with.

After approximately twenty minutes of walking quietly, they both stopped at the older's house. The two teenage boys looked at each other, and immediately figured that their homes were on the same street.

"Uh, so this is your street? This is my place." Woozi ushered to the house beside him.

"Yeah, mine's a few houses from here." Mingyu replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, I never knew. We should go home together everyday." Woozi gave another offer with a grin plastered on his face.

Everyday?! Mingyu thought.

He had to clear his throat after not speaking for so long before answering yet another awkward approval. "Y-Yeah, everyday? Yea- I mean, sure. Sure."

"Cool! So..I'm gonna go inside, alright? See ya, shrug head." Woozi pointed to his door, the grin still stretching his lips. He opened the door and waved before closing the door behind him.

"Yeah. Bye." Mingyu turned around to go back home.

Even if it was only two words, at least he didn't stutter.

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