Chapter 6 - Midnight Snack

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Mingyu hummed as he did his sheets of calculus homework. It was a good thing that he'd been following the lessons pretty well, or else he would've had terrible difficulties on every question.

But he was getting hungry. His stomach grumbled unpleasantly and he pouted his lips at the fact that the lights were already off downstairs and that he was way too lazy.

Mingyu groaned non-stop as he rolled around the room in dangerous hunger; his stomach was basically an orchestra at this point.

After bumping into almost half of his furnitures for the past hour, he noticed that stones were flying and were hitting his balcony window frequently from the outside. Mingyu raised a brow as he stood up and walked over to the balcony. He blinked multiple times to make sure it was vivid.

A pizza box was sitting on top of his railing with a small piece of paper which apparently was a yellow post-it. He approached the mysterious food and pulled the memo off to read what it said;

Mind if I crash for a while?:)

Mingyu looked down from the balcony and watched a figure wave his hands eagerly with a grin plastered to his face.

Mingyu surely did not expect to see a short and blonde fairy to be waving its arms crazily at this hour.

"I brought strawberries..?"

As if that statement was going make it any more normal.

Before the younger could say anything, Woozi was already climbing the tree nearby the balcony without any difficulties whatsoever. Mingyu did nothing but watch as his senior jumped to his landing, looking up to him with an uncontainable grin.

But something in the elder's eyes was off. It looked as if it was reflecting a million pieces of shattered glass; they looked awfully hurt. But all of that was carefully masked with a special stretch of his lips.

"Hi." Woozi widened his grin as he unexpectedly encircled his arms around the other's waist with a scratchy sound of the plastic bag, looking straight into his eyes.

Mingyu was clearly taken aback at the sudden affectionate move, but did nothing regardless to it. "Hi."

His voice sounded unbelievably clear, almost scaring him how it didn't stutter one bit.

It was amazing how this one boy could change the way he spoke within hours.

"You hungry?" As if on cue, Mingyu's stomach grumbled a choir.

Woozi couldn't help but to snort at the younger's accidental silliness as Mingyu joined him with a snicker. Soon after, it escalated to loud fits of laughter.

"We should go inside." Mingyu suggested in between.

"Yeah." Woozi didn't fail to forget grabbing the box of pizza to go along. Mingyu stepped in first as he studied the elder's gape at the spacious room, fading both their laughters off. "Your room's huge, man."

Mingyu shrugged at the statement, "I guess." Honestly, he was used to his room, making it seem just as normal as anything else.

"Just sit here." Mingyu gestured to the carpet where he was previously doing his homework. The blonde obliged as he placed the food down gently, crossing his legs under himself.

Mingyu pushed the papers aside, crossing his legs as well. He faced the other blankly; not knowing what to do.

Woozi took that as a cue for him to open the pizza and to close the box with a piece in his hand. Only then Mingyu reached out for his piece and took a delicious bite out of his dinner.

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