Chapter 8 - No Matter What

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Mingyu hung his head low with fingers intertwined, forearms resting on his sitting thighs.

For Woozi's sake, he decided to skip a day from school. He thought even a week wouldn't bother him anyways.

But Mingyu was worried sick for the blonde. His voice sounded greatly throaty and wasted. Mingyu thought maybe he had been screaming, but that couldn't be possible. Why would he go around shouting in the morning?

A few other theories popped in his head, but none made sense.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim?" A hand gently tapped Mingyu's shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He jolted up at the arrival of the smaller blonde next to a nurse, eager but scared to know what really happened.

Mingyu straightened his white fitted tee and black jeans as an awkward gesture of acknowledging. "Yes?"

His gaze drifted to the elder, receiving a small eye contact. Woozi broke the stare, facing his feet as tears threatened to well up.

Mingyu's heart cringed at the sight before the nurse's voice interrupted with a clear of her throat. "The doctor wishes to see you and your.." The last prolonged before Woozi decided to answer the best answer.

"Friend-" Woozi started with a raspy and scratchy voice.

"Boyfriend. He's my boyfriend." Mingyu cut him off with an even better way of response, placing his arm around the other's shoulder, pulling him closer.

The doctor's assistant widened her eyes in utter shock, failing to pronounce anything correct as bizarre sounds escaped her parted lips. "U-Uh, right.. Please, step inside." She stepped aside to let the couple in.

Mingyu walked in first, gripping onto the other's shoulder tighter than before, ushering him to come along as an assured smile colored Woozi's lips.

The doctor was already waiting inside, sitting on his desk as he held hands with himself and stared right at them in nothing but pity.

But nevertheless, the man in white spoke. "Please, take a seat."

Both obliged without an utter of word, sitting down next to each other. They exchanged nervous looks before Mingyu grabbed ahold of the elder's fingers as he drew uneven circles on the back of Woozi's hand.

The fully educated man pushed his glasses up his nose, "Mr. Kim, I'm truly very sorry that I might be bringing awful news."

The serious tone in the eldest's voice was enough to scare the life out of the junior. He tightened his grip on the other's fingers as he anticipated the worst.

"Mr. Lee here, has lost almost all of his voice. His vocal chords were terribly damaged, apparently from a good strangle. Even if he hasn't lost his voice yet, it will eventually run out and I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."

The doctor's words..was even worse than both thought.

Mingyu could've sworn he felt his heart disconnected itself from all the veins in his body and dropped to his feet.

Woozi practically swore he heard his heart crash into a million pieces, scattering around the floor. And to make it even worse, he didn't have the voice to say anything.

Mingyu felt tears glisten down both his cheeks; his body somewhat paralyzed itself. He unknowingly let go of the other's hand stiffly in clear disbelief before snapping out of it and wiped the rheum off his eyes.

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