Game(s) Begin

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"My 11:11 came true"


Yelena makes an annoyed face when Peter doesn't immediately remember, "you said it's 11 11 make a wish—I thought you were kidding but it came true!"

He laughs, "I mean I was kid—" seeing the look on her face he shakes his head with a smile, "what was your wish?"

"Macaroni!" He just stares at her before busting out laughing again but its quickly cut off when she shoves him to the ground.
Long chapter for you guys✨

Evangeline decides to take a detour to her room to change before joining the rest.

Jumping she grabs her chest with a sigh, "I thought you were eating already" 

She walks to the foot of the bed squealing when Buckys arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer, "I knew you would come up here; I wanted to see how you were doing"

Evangeline sits with a sigh brushing her hair back, "well my dads are nice." a serene look lights her features remembering how thoughtful they have been with her. "Goofy but nice"

Buckys thumb traces the bow of her lips, her heart nearly beating out of her chest at the simple action. Bringing her face to his level he gently kisses her. His rough scruff and cologne invading her senses.

Pulling away he tucks hair behind her ear, "and the soul mates?"

She sighs but the smile doesn't leave her face, "theyre good, it's just overwhelming."

She shakes the thoughts away not wanting to dwell on the mixed emotions. He falls back onto the bed a smile stretching his lips at her laughter of surprise when he takes her with him, flipping their positions he settles his weight on his forearms.

Evangeline eyes urge him to kiss her but he kisses her nose instead watching it wrinkle.

"how do you feel about the soulmates?"

Bucky stops to think, he had been so concerned about her feelings he hadn't thought of his own yet.

"Well do you know what Niklaus is doing right now?" Resisting the urge to chase after his lips, she instead focuses back on the conversation, "What?"

"Cooking you macaroni because Tony didn't order any"

Her lips curve up and a small laugh of disbelief escapes, "is he really?"

The corners of his eyes crinkle at her expression, "he is. Kol I haven't talked to much but he's related to Niklaus so I'm sure I'll like him."

Bucky clears his throat a slight pink to his cheeks adding a quick "and James so far is nice."

With her head held firmly between his palms he looks down his heart hammering in his chest. He searches her stormy gaze hovering just over her mouth before leaning in.

She melts into him deepening the kiss, their shared breath began to consume her thoughts and she fumbled to remove his shirt.

Pulling away she bites back a breathy moan, her eyes close with a gasp as Buckys lips start a meticulous trail up her shoulder to the sensitive skin behind her ear leaving scattered hickys in his wake. She denies his tongue entrance and a low growl sends a shiver down her spine.

Buckys knee finds its way between her legs and she bites back another moan. He suddenly stops, "Are you going to stop acting like a brat or do I need to do something about it?"

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