Chapter 1 - Life

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Hi guys! This is my 3rd Infinite fictions.. All the idea's is originally mine, so please respect my work.. I've found a book that are almost as the as mine..

Also, there will be some grammar error and typo's.. well.. I'm not a perfect girl.. so yeah.. enjoy!!

------ 15/10/15 ------

Hara pov

"SHIN HARA! YOU'RE FIRED!!" My boss yell at me..

" But-"

" no buts.. i have been patience towards you for a long time already.. so please leave now and here's your salary for this month.. leave now!" He yell.. i look down and open my apron.. I place it on his table and bow to him for the last time..

I walk outside the shop and take a deep breath.. i got fired, again.. life is so hard..

I take a step forward but suddenly i bump onto someone..

" ouch.. I'm so sorry.." i utter..

" ya! Are you blind?! You've spilled my americano!" He yell.. i look up..

" ya! I'm sorry okay?! Where is your manners?!" I yell back..

" do i look like i care? I don't care.. you have to pay back for my americano.."

" find! I'll pay!! Here!!" I take out 50thousand won and give it to him.. " keep the change.." i said then left.. ugghh.. Rude guy.. jerk.. how can he make a girl pay back just for a cup of americano.. uwaahhh!! I just waste 50thousand won on that stupid guy..

I walk home lifelessly.. How am suppose to tell my mom and step dad? My mom wouldn't mind but my step dad does.. if he finds out about me, getting fired, I'm dead.. he'll beat me up.. he always do that.. hurt me.. i wonder why mom have to marry him..

I walk into my small apartment that i live with my mom and her husband along with my younger sister, Shin Yoora.. my sister is 17 y/o.. i'm actually is 22y/o.. I've been studying in college.. i was the best student.. but then my dad died and i had to quit college because my mom couldn't pay my college fees.. then she married to another guy.. Which is, poor and a disturbance to our family.. mom never told me why she married him.. all she said is she had to.. My sister is studying hard to support our family in the future.. i hope she'll do well..

" just quit school! What's the point of you going to school?! You didn't even give us any money! So you better quit school and start working like your sister!" My step dad yell..

" hell! Do i look like I'm f*cking care?!" My sister retort.. and receive a hard slap from him.. i run towards her..

" Yoora-ah kwaenchana?" I ask her.. she push me away and run to her room.. i look at our step dad while mom is just watching us.. not doing anything..

" Ahjusshi, don't tell her to quit school.. i don't want her fate to be like mine.. I don't want you to destroy her life like you've destroyed mine.." i said..

" ya! Why are you here?! Shouldn't you be working?!" He ask.. i look down.. " don't tell me that you got fired?" I just keep silent.. he slap me.. " Why are you so useless?! You're following me!" He pulls my hair and drag me to my room.. i look at mom.. she's crying.. why can't she do anything?

I wince in pain.. He really did beat me up hard last night.. Appa.. i miss you.. please comeback.. my life is a miserable..

I'm looking for a job right now.. where can i find a job?? This is so tiring..

I walk into a cafe and ask if there's a vacancy here.. but sadly no..

" aigoo.. how should i fix this??" I heard someone mumble..

My Boss Is A Jerk (Nam Woohyun)(INFINITE)Where stories live. Discover now