Chapter 27 - Do you love me?

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--- 20/12/15 ---

Hara was awake and feel something heavy on her waist. She open her eyes and the first thing she saw was Woohyun. She move her hands to his face and lightly brush her fingers on his nose and lips. The part of Woohyun that she loves the most. Her hand move down to his jaw, neck and collar bone. The parts where she always kiss. She went to his chest. The part where she always rest her head. All parts of his body has its own meanings to Hara. He, himself are very meaningful to her.

" Done touching me??" Woohyun spoke and open his eyes. Hara blushed and hid her face into his armpit as Woohyun laugh.
" You're so cute. Can I touch your body too?" Hara hit his chest then get off the bed. " Where are you going?"

" I need to wake Minhyun up. He have school."

" I know. Hara, don't you want to comeback to Korea? Mom miss you."

" I don't know. I'll think about it." Woohyun get off the bed then back hug her.

" Then we can get marry, you know. We can make more kids." Woohyun whispered.

" Who said that I'll marry you? I won't. Go away from me." Hara joked and walk out from the room.

Woohyun know that she was joking around with him so he didn't mind.


" Minhyun, breakfast ready." Hara said.

" Coming!" He yelled from his room.

" Hara, I'm going back to my hotel for a while to take all of my clothes since I'm staying here for the time being." Woohyun said.

" What? You're staying here?"

" Yes."

" Until?"

" Until you agree to comeback with me to Korea."

" Woohyun, stop having hopes."

" Hara, why can't you just be honest to yourself? Even I know you want to be with me like we always do but you're the one who keeps lying to yourself and most importantly, we have a son together."

" I know. I'm not lying to myself. What makes you so sure that I still loves you?"

He closer his distance with Hara's.

" You replied to my kiss last night. Isn't that enough prove?" Hara gulped as Woohyun took another step forward. " Or how the way you touch me this morning." He hold her chin.
" Just admit it that you still love me like you always do."

" Woohyun, I-"

" Ehemm." They parted away as their son cleared his throat. " I can see you guys are getting so much closer since last night. That's good but can you guys do it at somewhere more private next time?" Minhyun grin.

" Hahaha, sorry Minhyun. But we weren't doing anything." Hara said. " Eat your breakfast. Woohyun, what are you waiting for? Eat." Woohyun sit next to Minhyun and pat his back.

" I'll send him to school. So, just go straight to work." Woohyun utter.

" You sure?"

" Yeah."

" Okay. I'll pick him up."

" Omma, let's have lunch together."

" Okay. Are you free, Woohyun?"

" For my family? I'm free all the time." Hara shook her head while chuckling.


Hara went to work as Woohyun send Minhyun to school.

Hara was sitting on her desk during her break, thinking. Should I go back to Korea? I miss mom and Yoora. I wonder how's Yoora doing. Is she working or still studying. Hmm.

On Woohyun side, he was talking on the phone with Yoora.

" So, is she coming back?" Yoora asked.

" I'm trying to get her back. I promise you, Yoora. If I'm in Korea so does your sister and nephew."

" Okay, oppa. If possible, please comeback before my wedding day."

" I'll try. But 1 week. Hyuu.. I'll try my best."

" Thanks oppa. See you later okay? Bye."

" Bye." They end the call.

Woohyun lay on his hotel bed and start to think of what should he do to win back Hara's heart.

During lunch time, they ate together and Woohyun talked about Yoora's life and wedding plan.

" WHAT?! My sister is already gonna get marry?"

" Yes. Why? Are you jealous because you're older than her but not married? Hey, you have a perfect man right in front of your eyes." He grinned.

" Stop playing around, idiot. I am not. Its just. I'm shock that she's getting marry. Who's the lucky boy?"

" Kim Taehyung."

" Ouh. Her high school boyfriend."

" Yes. They stick long somehow. Amazing right?"

" Yeah."

" Don't you feel a little bit of, you know, wanting to marry me?"

" No."

" Liar! I'll get you back tonight."

" Omma, appa. You guys have to marry. I need a mother and a father to take care of me and its the two of you. And most of all, I want another siblings." Hara's eyes widen.

" See. Even Minhyun agrees. High five." Woohyun high five with Minhyun. Hara face palm herself.


They went straight home because Hara's took a half day shift for today.

All of them sat at the living, watching the television together but Minhyun was fast asleep.

" So, any thoughts of going back to Korea?"

" I do, to be honest. I miss everyone there especially mom and Yoora."

" They miss you too. Everyone back in Korea does including my mom."

" If I go back there, should I stay there for good?"

" Yes! You should. Minhyun needs to learn more about his cultural and he also needs to meet his grandparents."

" I'll maybe go but to stay there back for good, will be hard. Since I have my job here."

" You can job and stay with me and marry me. Just be a house wife."

" Woohyun."

" What? No matter what happen, I'm gonna make you're mine again." Hara sighed and look at Minhyun who was sleeping on her lap. " Think of our son. His feelings."

" I don't know. Ughh. I'm going to make some cold water." Hara left to the kitchen.

Hara didn't know what to do. She was in mixed feelings. She loves him. She really does but she was afraid, traumatised, if the same thing might happen again.

She jumped as she felt two pairs of arms were wrapped around her waist.

" Woohyun," he turned her around and trapped her against the counter.

" Tell me, do you love me or do you not love me?" He asked, looking straight into his eyes.

" Woohyun, I have no time fo-"

" Answer me."

" Please don't do this to me, Woohyun. I've been hurted enough."

" I know. So, I promise you that you won't get hurt again. I won't hurt you again. I will love you and will take care of you more than my life. Please, Hara. I love you. Be come back to me." He rest his forehead on hers. " Do you love me?"

End of chapter 28

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