Chapter 32 (Ending)

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She walked on the aisle with a smile on her lips. Today, is finally the day she's getting married with the man she loves for 8 years without failed.

Reaching out his hand to hold her hand with a wide smile. The day that he has been waiting for, marrying with the woman he love all his life.

" Let's start." The priest said. The both of them took a deep breath and face the priest.  " Dearly beloved, we are gatheted her today in the sight of God to join together this man and this woman in holy Matriomony. Nam Woohyun, will you take Shin Hara as your lawfully wedded wife and cherish her for the rest of your life during sick and health, poor and rich, up and downs?"

" Yes, I will." He smiled.

" Shin Hara, will you take Nam Woohyun as your lawfully wedded husband and cherish him for the rest of your life during sick and health, poor and rich, up and downs?"

They switched glances and a smile. Hara turned to look at his son who is smiling widely at her. This is all for her son and for herself. It's time for her to be happy with the man she loves and be with him forever. 

" Yes, I will." She said.

" Is there anyone who wants to oppose to this couple?" The priest asked. Silence. " I, now pronounce you husband and wife," They switch rings then waited for the priest. " You may kiss the bride." Woohyun smiled cheekily and kiss her lips. Today is the day where they become one for real.

Minhyun run to his mom and dad, giving them a big hug.

" Mom,dad, I want a brother!" He beamed. Hara eyes widen but Woohyun smiled and everyone laughs.

" Of course, Minhyun." Woohyun said.

" Yay!!!!"


He backhugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

" Thank you." He whispered to her ears and chaste a kiss on her neck. She giggled and said,

" For what?"

" For everything. For being in my life, for making me love you, for changing me, for making me happy, for giving me a very beautiful child, for being my secretary. If you didn't became my secretary, maybe I won't be here with you. Just for everything. I love you." Hara turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck.

" Anything for you." She pulled him into a kiss, a passionate kiss.


9 years later

" Mom!! Hyung took my headphone!" Hara sighed by the kitchen counter and looked at her son, Mingyu.

" Minhyun!!!" She called. " Give your brother back his headphone!" Minhyun came into the kitchen while laughing.

" I was just playing around with him." He answered.

" You know Mingyu is sensitive when it come to his headphones."
" You're no fun." Minhyun said to Mingyu.

" You're 16, Minhyun. You're playing around with your 7 years old brother, he's still a boy. Anyways, where's Hyera?"

" She's in her room, writing her book." Minhyun said.

" Can you get her for me?"

" Sure. Mingyu, let's not disturb mom and let's go to the library."

" Gimme back my headphones first." Mingyu said. Minhyun passed him the headphone and hold his hand, pulling him to Hyera's room first before heading to the library.

Hara shook her head and waited for her 9 years old daughther.

" Yes, mom? You called me?"

" Hyera, darling can you help me cook?"

" Sure." She smiled.

" So, what kind of book are you writing?" Hara asked.

" Umm, teen fictions, of course."

" Is it fun to write?"

" Yes. It helps me to relax."

" That's nice, honey. You could be a writer but you'll have to work harder."

" I will!" She beamed.


Dinner's ready and Hara called everyone to the dining room. They waited for Woohyun to come back while talking. She was happy to see how close her childrens are with each other. Minhyun help her took care of them when Woohyun was busy or went outstation. Minhyun is such a responsible son.

" I'm home!" Woohyun entered the dining room. " Hello childrens, wife." He said and give Hara a peck. " Did you guys waited for me?" He asked, sitting on the chair.

They started eating and had some conversation.

" Yes. Dad, guess what." Minhyun said.

" Let me guess, you got to be the soccer captain?"

" How did you know?!" He exclaimed. Hara and Woohyun laughed.

" Mom told me." Woohyun stated.

" Mom! I told you that it was a secret!"

" I was too excited! I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it." Hara grinned.

" Fine. Aren't you proud of me dad?" Minhyun grinned.

" Of course, I do. I'll buy new soccer shoes later."

" Dad, you're the best!" Minhyun beamed.

" No problem. What about you Hyera?" Woohyun turned to Hyera.

" Well, I got 2nd place in the school for my latest examination." She looked down.

" Honey, that's great! Why are you sad?" Woohyun asked.

" I didn't get 1st."

" Sweetheart. It's fine. You can do it. Dad willl buy you something later. Just name it." Hara said.

" Um.. Buy me a new notebook that is very very thick." Hyera grinned.

" Noted." Woohyun said. Hyera cheered and continue eating.

" Mingyu, how about you?" Hara asked.

" Right! I got 1st place in the music class and dance class." Mingyu said.

" Really? Wow! So, you've gotten so much better in your dancing now?" Hara asked. Mingyu nodded eagerly with a grinned.

" I'll buy you a new headphone later." Woohyun said.

They are very proud of their children. Everyone has its own specialty. Minhyun is a good soccer player, Hyera is very smart in her studies and Mingyu is more to music. They couldn't ask for more. These three childrens are perfect enough for them and Hara never regrets, marrying Woohyun and have children with him. Even though he was a jerk back then but in the end she falls in love with him. Cliché right? But that what happens to almost everyone and in every drama. But as long as they're happy. Everyone will.

That's how it started from my boss is a jerk turns to my boss is my husband.

And live as a happy family forever.

End of the book..

Hi guys!! So, I guess this is the end. I had fun writing this book. It was fun reading your comments. Thank you for supporting this book all the way through.

I'll be publishing a new book but it's not Infinite this time. I'll be doing BTS Jungkook's book. Woohyun will be in the book but as a supporting  character. I hope you guys will support that book too. Anyways, I love you guys so much and be happy always. Love, yoona..

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