Chapter 21 - Gone

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--- 22/11/15 ---

Hara's pov

I look at the balcony and saw him. He was on the phone so I decide to not disturb him but then I hear he said,

" Appa, I'm not going to marry her." He hissed. Marry?? " Appa, you have to understand me. I'm not going marry Sunghyun." Sunghyun?? What? What's wrong? What's going on? " Are you really gonna do that? Just because I don't want to marry her, you're taking back the company? You're being unreasonable! This is not fair! I have the girl I love and you can't change that!" He half yelled.

I was hurt when he said he needs to marry someone else. Then, what about me? My baby? Our baby Woohyun?

He turn his head and see me. His eyes widen.

" Appa, I won't listen to you! Bye!" He hung up the phone then he walk towards me. He cupped my cheeks and kiss me. He pulled away and look at me in the eyes.
" Did you heard me?" I look down and nod my head. He sigh and pull me into a hug.

I listen to his heart beat that is beating fast.

" You won't leave me right?" I asked.

" Hell no. I won't okay? Don't worry." He smiles.

" I trust you. Please don't ever leave me or marry to someone else. I love you so much and I don't think I can let you go at all. But if you have to marry someone else, I don't want to be a mistress."

" Hey. What are you talking about? You won't. I'll make sure you're legally mine okay? We just have to wait for the right time. Please trust me."

" I do trust you."

" That's good. Get ready, we're eating dinner outside."

" Okay."

After dinner, I went to sleep in my room. I was in a dilemma whether to tell him about the baby or not after knowing his dad are planning to marry him off with Sunghyun. I was scared. What will happen if he really is marrying her?

I woke up then run towards the bathroom to throw up. I rinse my mouth with water then I hold my tummy.

Sweetheart, what will be daddy's choice?

Author's pov

Hara open her door room but she stop when she hear Woohyun talking on the phone.

" Fine. I will marry her. You win dad but pleas-" Hara shut the door loudly and lock it.

She kneel down onto the floor with her back facing the door and let my tears fall.

He's marrying her.

Her heart feels like stabbed by millions of knives.

" Hara, please listen to me." She hear Woohyun voice behind the door. All she did was just crying.

How can he do this to me? How can he easily accept it?

" Baby, please don't do this to me." He pleaded.

" Go away, Nam Woohyun!" She scowled.

Suddenly, the door knob clicks and open. Shw look up and saw Woohyun. He grab her arms and lift her up then he hugged her.

" Please,"

" No! Let me go!!"

" I know you're mad! But I'm doing this for you!" He half yelled as he break the hug and look at Hara.

" For me? Its hurting me!! Its not for me but yourself!"

" No! It is for you! I don't want my dad to hurt you so I had to marry her! I didn't have a choice!"

My Boss Is A Jerk (Nam Woohyun)(INFINITE)Where stories live. Discover now