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Let's start
Kk got discharge and he camed to home
Kmom: how is my child now
Kk: better mom
Kmom: come I make u sit
Anusha: no aunty I make him u don't worry
And she hold his hand and from back and look at teju and give her evil 😈 look
Teju is looking them very close she feel pinch in heart but she control
Tejupov: teju dont worry she try to break you but u don't give up sunny love that's a truth u have too fight back 🙂 and she went towards him
Teju: sunny
Kk: hmm
Teju: how are you feeling
Kk: much better how are you now
Teju: I m also fine with a bright 🌞 smile look
Kk: yeh looking very fresh and beautiful
After listening that anusha feels jealous
Anusha: nice joke
Kk: sorry
Anusha: obviously it's a joke right
Kk: who I m joking I am giving compliment
Anusha goes closer to him said in ear
Anusha: I know giving her fake compliments to make her comfortable obviously she is insecure girl so obvious naa
Teju heard it and said
Teju: I think u are feeling insecure not me that's why u don't liking touching him
Meenu: anusha now please excuse we want meet our brother and his mother is standing can u please excuse
Anusha: excuse me why would I excuse he is my boyfriend and I will make sure that he feel happy and secure and I think nobody give that
Ponaam: anusha Mother is mother but girlfriend can't be his anything afterall just a girlfriend not a confirmed relationship kind off am I right sunny
Kk: yeah di u are right nobody can take place of my mother not even single person
Ponam: see anusha by the way I think u need to go home now we will takecare of it
Anusha in ear
Anusha: see I told they don't want me with u now u know what I was saying
After listening kk went in thoughts and teju understand what she is trying too
Teju: sunny
Kk: hmm
Teju: do u know the whole night your family not sleep and your girlfriend went to club for the party so obviously she also not slept so she also need rest so they think to send her at home for fresh said in concerns way obviously whole night not slept and long drive with a guy I thought it's you
Kk: no I don't know anything about this
Teju: yes how u know u were sleeping I thought it's u but it's not u actually with whom u went anusha
Anusha: what do you mean don't put wrong allegations on me obviously I am with him
Kk: but I don't seen you there
Anusha: baby how can u see me
Teju: yeah obviously she is in club how can you
Anusha: u shutup baby I went to the foodcourt place and whole night I slept there
Teju: why
Anusha: because your family not allowed me sunny
Teju: excuse me he karan kundrra for you
Anusha: excuse me who the hell are u to tell me what should I call and what should I don't
Kk: stop it Anusha I am tired
Anusha: why u are saying me just tell her useless girl
Kk: stop your nonsense I want to go my room
Anusha: OK ok I take you the room
Kk: no u can't Bharat and arjun
Bharat: yes mamu
Kk: take Me to the room
Bharat: sure arjun come
Arjun: yeah
And he holds his hands and take him to the room
And anusha got blank because she failed in her plan
Teju: oops what happened baby
Anusha: U
Teju: aa a aa no no
Anusha: I will press your neck
Teju: sure
And in anger she press it
Teju: aaaa
Kk: anusha stop it
He seen from behind
Anusha: karan she told me this
Kk: are u out of your mind who will say this
Anusha: she trust me
Kk: shutup and went teju and hold her hand and see the nail mark on neck such a ruthless act are u alright
Teju: yeah but Lil painful
Kk: come I put the ointment
And make her stand up
Teju: sunny u just go take rest I will put ointment I will be fine
Kk: no I put it come
Teju: but u still not well
Kk: I an much better now come
Anusha: u are insulting me for this creep girl
Kk: shutup anusha go to your house
Anusha: I was living in India not in US there is no house
Kk: what
Anusha: yes
Kk: but we living together right before my accident
Anusha: yes yes but I told you your family throw me out
Kk: do whatever u want too
And he left with teju inside his room and locked it
Kk: u sit I bring ointment
Teju: please don't take so much stress I am fine
Kk: u are sweet soul see the mark this is so clear and u are saying u are fine
Teju: not painful
Kk: no wait and he get closer and removed her hair and sensually putting the ointment and her heartbeat getting fast
Tejupov: finally he is with me please God don't send him away from me and make him stay like this
Kk: u take rest I m leaving and I m sorry
Teju hold his hand and said
Teju: please don't go I m feeling scared 😔 with puppy face ☹ 🥺
Kkpov: aww she is so cute why I feel so secure and connected with her
Kk: OK did we have any connection
Teju: mean
Kk: I feel heart to heart connection what feelings Is this
Teju: I don't know but why
Kk: I feel secure and safe with u
Teju: maybe I am good girl and she gives her bright smile 🌞
Kk: u are so cute
Teju: no doubt
And they both start laughing
Kk: OK let's sleep now
Teju: yeah u also need a rest u sleep on bed and I sleep on couch
Kk: no need
Teju: hmm
Kk: nothing
And quietly lay down on bed and slept

Stay tuned ❤

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