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Let's start
In room teju head and hand was bleeding she crying massively and cleaning her blood
Tejupov: sss ahh why can't he remember me why his memory not comeback 😭 and take out the cotton and start cleaning by own and kk entered
Kk: Tejasswi
After listening his voice she clean her tears 😢 and look at him
Teju: just leaving me alone I don't need just go
Kk: teju listen
Teju: I said go teju she shouted
Kk: calm down
Teju: u forgot me u forgot everything about Me who I am why I am here everything I feel like a I am a show piece if u want pick and use if u don't want just break it 😭
Kk: I m sorry
Teju: for what do u remember anything
Kk: what I forgot it
Teju: just go sunny just get lost I m not state of mind now please go
Kk: I know u are in pain u feel disrespectful but trust me I m with u I supported she did wrong
Teju: I don't want say anything If I said anything I burst out and please don't force me just go
Kk looking in her eyes there was so much anger and fasturation in her eyes He understood she lost she can do anything if again something happened she will not spare her
Kk: OK take your time
And he left
Teju I'd burning from inside her heart pinch like niddle she don't understand where she go and what to do After lot a cry 💔 she went to the and herself in mirror 💔 tears are not stopping from her eyes she is not in her senses now she don't know what's should be her next she do but she decided that she will take a revenge from her and fight back
Tejupov: stop crying teju that's it now u don't cry I know that he is your heart ♥ your world your peace but does not mean other person take it for granted now show your strength what can you do for him he is mine and only mine and she clean and take bath changed came down with a confident
Anusha: wow u are here
Teju: get lost
And ignored and leaving towards kitchen and she hold her hand tightly
Anusha: how dare u to talk like this with me hmm I think u forgot what I did
Teju: I remember everything and if u do that again u will see my second side and she jerks
Anusha: u bloody cheap she holds her hair
Teju: leave me
Anusha: oh baby got Scared
Teju: in your dreams leave my hair
Anusha: I don't tell me what u do I want to see
Teju: really want to
Anusha: yes
Teju: your wish is in my command
And she hold her hand and twist it
Anusha: ahh u bloody cheap leave me ahh help somebody help karan ahhh help
Teju twisted her hand hard so that she also feel that what she was feeling right now
Anusha: leave me 😭
Teju: oh poor baby is crying don't cry baby it's just a karma u do and u get it
Anusha: ahh karan ahh
After listening her shout everybody gathered
Meenu: teju
Anusha: ahh meenu help please ah 😢
Kk: teju leave
Teju: shutup and don't u dare in a between wanna I will u more than her so go back
Kk can saw the anger in her eyes it's clearly visible and she go back and politely said
Kk: leave her teju please please
Teju left her hand
Anusha: ahh karan she ran and hugged her
Kk: what was that Teju
Teju: first keep a distance from her now
He saw her anger
Kk: oh my God she looking like a lion who can everyone angry 😠 lion
Teju: move teju shouted
He got Scared go aside
Anusha: Karan
Kk: what
Anusha: I m your girlfriend
Teju went to her and said
Teju: he is not your boyfriend and if he was then he is breaking up
Anusha: and who are u to tell
Teju hold her face
Teju: don't you dare to mess with me understand
Anusha: leave me
And she leave her
Anusha: Karan take a stand for me when I hit her u slap me and now you standing quietly
Teju: because u were wrong not me
Anusha: and why u decided this that u are not
Teju: shutup
Anusha: u shutup OK
And she raised her hand and teju hold it
Teju: not everytime u succeed stay in your limits
Anusha: ahh karan
Teju: get lost with your so cold boyfriend
Meenudi: teju calm down bacha
Anusha: yes she gone mad she needs a pshycatrist pshyco
Teju: you phsycho
Ponamdi: teju relax baby relax
Teju: how can I relax your brother is so stupid he don't remember anything not a single thing useless
Anusha: he rejected you that's why u are saying
Teju: I am going to kill you
Ponamdi: teju Teju please take her to the room
Teju: I will go by myself just throw her out cheap and creep women
Anusha: u
Teju: characterless
Anusha: see what she said
Teju holds Kk hand and dragged him to the room.....

Stay tuned ❤

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