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Let's start
Teju: sunny

Kk: hmm

Teju: you are looking depressed what happened baby

Kk: nothing my love I m just thinking about my sisters

Teju: what happened

Kk: anusha crossed all the limits

Teju: I m sorry to say sunny it's all your fault

Kk give a look to her 😒
Kk: what do u mean

Teju: simple and clear u can easily stop this drama but u still tolerating all this I don't know I feel u forgot me

Kk: I forgot u in past and it was just memory loss I don't did purposely for your kind information

Teju: sunny I know but now u know everything than why

Kk: stop blaming me laddoo

Teju: I m not blaming

Kk: then what u are doing hmm

Teju: I am just asking

Kk: and why u are asking this stupid question can u please tell me

Teju: I m just saying that why so dragged

Kk: teju it's not that easy the way you are thinking

Teju: really sunny past 6 months I was constantly waiting for you craving for love I was broken

Kk getup from the bed and said
Kk: how many u will tell me this hmm I didn't hurt u or something when I get memory back I came to you only

Teju: why can't u understand me sunny
Kk: what do u mean I don't understand hmm I think u are not understanding what I am trying to saying

Teju: sunny

Kk: no more arguments now I really don't want to talk about this and he left towards the balcony

Teju: sunny sunny listen to me

Kk didn't answer her and teju sat on the bed quietly and just waiting for him to say something once for a second but he didn't after seconds she folded her legs and kept her head down
Almost after 1 hour he comeback to the room and saw teju sitting on bed and kept her heads down

Kk: laddoo

After listening his voice teju put her head up and he saw her teary eyes
Teju: what

Kk: are u crying

Teju: no why I cry did anything left that I cry and she again kept her head down

Kk: why you are behaving like a baby

Teju: firstly u like my childish behavior but now u don't u are changed sunny

Kk: I m not u are just overthinking

Teju: OK then take your decision do whatever want and kept her head down

Kk: laddoo my Jan please listen to me once

Teju: what u want to make me listen

Kk: that stop over thinking

Teju: OK I m overthinking but once keep yourself on me think once

Kk: I know, I know that u gone through alot I know what u faced it

Teju: I was all alone she hit me I don't said anything she tourchered me I didn't said anything I was completely broken 💔 but u don't care

Kk: I care I care for you and that time also I came to you and scoled her

Teju: OK fine but now what

Kk: what

Teju: I m your wife but still living like a stranger

Kk: because I lost memory but now It's nothing like that I m here

Teju: are u with me

Kk: ofcourse always I m here with you

Teju: sunny I am scared to losing you I die I die 💔 without you

Kk: shh don't say this baby don't say
And he hugged her and kissed on her head

Teju: sunny please do something please

Kk: just give me sometime everything will be alright trust me hmm

Teju: hmm

Kk: that's my cute lil girl my jaan now smile

And she smiled and he kissed her forehead
Teju: let's sleep now

Kk: excuse me not now

Teju: then

Kk: let's spend some time together after all we are going to spend after a long

Teju: so what u want to say

Kk: so much things

Teju: like what

Kk: firstly I want to scold you

Teju: why

Kk: just look at yourself

Teju: what happened to me

Kk: seriously laddo u are looking so weak

Teju: sunny I stop eating food so maybe because of that

Kk: u are really skipping your meals

Teju: hmm

Kk: why

Teju: because I don't like eating I don't like anything I just want to stay in my room I lost everything I m nothing without you

Kk felt overwhelmed and at the same he felt bad that how pain she felt without me

Kk: I m sorry my jaan but now I do everything for you to make u happy

Teju: 🙂promise

Kk: pakka promise

Teju: I am not going to let you go

Kk: I m not going anywhere
And he kissed her forehead

Teju: I love you
Kk: I love you too now let's sleep and he hugged her and they slept hugging eachother

Staytuned ❤
I know story going lil down but please cooperate till eid hope you understand

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