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Let's start
Kk: how dare you too slap me hmm 😠
Anusha: I can too anything with you
Kk: just shutup
Anusha hold his collar pull him and said
Anusha: U shutup don't you dare to talk like this with me
Kk: oh really and what u gonna do hmm
Anusha: I am your Girlfriend and you are showing a love and care to that creep really
Kk: just because of you she was in that state you are the responsible
Anusha: I am not
Kk: u are
Anusha: how can you say that to Me and she pushed and he falls and get hurt
Kk: ahh ss ahh
Anusha: oh what happened baby are u alright I m sorry I am extremely sorry
Kk: are u mad or what just move I want to go
And he stand leaving and she hold his hand and said
Anusha: u can't
Kk: I will
Anusha: I said naa no
Kk: and who will stop
Anusha: I will stop I am your girlfriend I will not let you go to that cheap
Kk got angry 😠 and he pushed her
Kk: just shutup his voice on peak his eyes got red
Anusha: Karan
Kk: anusha that's it all over now I don't want to continue this relationship now I m done
Anusha: u cant
Kk: I will
Anusha: OK fine u want breakup ok lets breakup
Kk: yes it's good for both of us
Anusha: but
Kk: but what
Anusha: if u do breakup I will do something big which u never forget
Kk: wh...at. wh..at you going to do
Anusha: 😈 I will kill her
Kk: w..hom
Anusha: one and only your love Tejasswi prakash
Kk: are u mad 😠 and who told you that she is my love
Anusha: 😈 she is in love with you and u don't know this hmm don't act
Kk: think whatever u want to I don't care And I m not going to continue this relationship
Anusha: OK no problem don't continue fine not a big deal
Kk: good I know u are not interested
And he start leaving
Anusha: ah ah let's me finish baby wait
Kk: I m not your baby or anything else just getlost
Anusha: oh my love don't get angry if u get angry like this wanna other person will face
Kk: what do you mean
Anusha: that girl that creep who camed between of us remember
Kk: anusha say it clearly
Anusha: ok so listen if u will not listen and follow my instructions I do nothing just one thing I do simple and clear
Kk: what
Anusha: I will kill her
Kk: wha...t y..ou do with her
Anusha: u don't understand in English ok I will tell in hindi Mardongi usay ma
Kk: u can't
Anusha: I will
Kk: she is innocent girl don't think to do anything with her I m telling you
Anusha: don't take my words lightly what I said
Kk: u will not
Anusha: I will and already have a big plan
Kk: what u want
Anusha: very good now u ask good question smart I wish I never left u in past
Kk: just shutup come to the point
Anusha: good boy And she turn around him and hugged him from back and kept hand on his shoulder u only do what I say when I say sit u have too sit if I say getup u have too quietly getup only and only listen to me
Kk: do u know what you are
Anusha: obviously I m smart
Kk: no u are cheap and creep women u are kind of fox
Anusha hold his collar pull him and said
Anusha: don't cross your limits
Kk: I am just crossing but u don't have any limits
Anusha: just shutup wanna u know what I do
Kk: sss u are sick
Anusha: I think u also want her die so why I do this drama let's kill her together
Kk: getlost
Anusha hold his collar and pull him and said
Anusha: forgot it It never gonna happen not in this life
Kk: do u know what anusha u don't deserve any love with anyone I was hell angry on myself that I fallen for you
Anusha: u want to me to kill her 😠 ok then
Kk: OK fine I do whatever u say I will only listen to you
Anusha: always obey my orders just like a puppy
Kk: hmm OK but u just stay away from her
Anusha: ok whatever u say my love and she kept hand on his shoulder
And he jerk it
Anusha: aa..aa. remember what I said think before doing anything she gonna die one innocent girl going to kill by short-circuit by car accident or let me think
Kk: don't do anything i am telling u
Anusha: ok OK relax I will do anything but only u have one thing and u know what it is
Kk: I will
Anusha: ok our deal is done so now let me do work
Kk: deal or blackmail
Anusha hold his collar tightly and said
Anusha: I m not answerable to you only I order and u have too follow let's go
And she dragged him out
Kk: what are u doing leave my collar
Anusha: that's is my part of plan so shhh shut your mouth
Kk didn't said anything because he knows If he say anything she definitely harm her
Kk: hmm
Anusha: good
And she dragged him by collar inside the house
Anusha: hello everyone
Meenudi: sunny are u alright
Anusha: baby tell them that I gave u a surprise u upset with me so I make u feel happy and take u out
Kk: yes meenu we went out for outing
Meenudi: likes this
Kk: common meenu some private time
Meenudi: di I m going bye
And she left
Ponamdi: karan u really love her
Kk: yes di I love her
Ponamdi: goodnight let's go everybody I am tired now already we are done with today dramas and shocked please kindly we don't need new drama tommorow give us some peace and that innocent soul also
Anusha: who innocent soul she is not that girl is creep ok
Ponamdi: u are cheap
Anusha: Karan
Kk: di please
Ponamdi: voice down
Kk: sorry I said naa we patchup u don't worry we handle it
Anusha: ofcourse we handle it baby and she hugged him
Ponamdi: bye And they all left
Anusha: what a act karan impressive 👏
Kk: shutup u just make sure that u keep a distance from her
Anusha: 😈 leave naa baby let's some time in my room hmm
Kk: I am tired I need to sleep
Anusha: u can't be tired I will make that u will tired to the whole night hmm
Kk: I said naa
Anusha: shh only I make rules ok and I say what u do and what u not and I don't like to repeated again and again hmm now let's go

She hold his collar tightly and tragged him to her room and locked the door

Screen Freeze

Sunny sunny sunny

Stay tuned ❤

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