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Let's start
In room
Teju is walking in room and thinking about him
Teju: sunny I missed you I love you alot what should I do to bring your memory back if he got married to her then where I go what should I do how will I handle this which going in my heart it's pinched my heart sunny I love you sunny I love you please please comeback to me 😢
And someone knocked the door
Someone: may I
Teju: shivin
Shivin: hi teju
Teju: why u are here I don't want talk to anyone please leave
Shivin: teju we know everything now just let's go he forgot you I don't think he comeback u are wasting time please let go
After listening teju got angry 😠 and slap him hard
Teju: how dare you u know who is he my husband who even not remember his marriage just because of u guys
Shivin: teju we know we wrong to u but u have nothing u living here like a show piece
Teju: please go Shivin please leave me alone
Shivin: he loves Anusha not you
After listening that heart pinch and she give him glare
Teju: he is mine and he comeback to me one day he remember everything understand
Shivin: OK fine but we don't know when he comeback or if you don't comeback then
Teju get angry and slaps him hard After that Shivin got shocked 😲
Shivin: teju
Teju: don't dare to this again he is mine only and only mine no.one had a right understand
Shivin: no he is not yours he is happy in his life and he even don't remember anything about you and your life he is least interested in you did he came to you hmm
Teju: yes he come and I will not giveup
Shivin: do you know what u are doing u are banging your head on the rock because that person is not interested at all
Teju: one day I melt that rock also
Shivin: let me tell you rock never get melt
Teju: but my rock will melt I make that
Shivin: and how can u please explain
Teju: I don't know
Shivin: u don't know hmm u just tourchering yourself
Teju: I don't care my heart is only and only belongs to him
Shivin: actually what naa u are rock and I am banging my head fine goodbye and I wish that u get your happiness
Teju: see who is giving, who snatched my whole world with their wrong deeds
Shivin: that was an accident
Teju: no u guys were harsh because of u guys I lost my husband and living a life like a stranger in my own house just because of you guys I will never forgive you guys just leave leave I said and she pushed and throw him out
Shivin: teju once please
Teju: get lost

On the otherside
In room the one guy was tied with rope he was hanging on kil
Kk: what are you doing please put me down
Anusha: did u sleep well my love
Kk: please put me down I said
Anusha: oh karan kundrra got angry 😠
Kk: I said put me down
Anusha: ok I put but u have pleased me say please Anusha I begged you put me down
Kk: 😏 never
Anusha: fine then stay like this
Kk got angry and try loose his rope and finally opened it and jump and she got shocked
Kk: what u think of yourself hmm
Anusha: how its happened I tied you
Kk: anusha I think you forgot who I m myself karankundrra Teju husband karankundrra
Anusha got shocked 😲
Anusha: what u , ..u re..member everything
Kk: yes I remember everything
Anusha: u lost your memory so how it's comeback
Kk laughs and said
Kk: yes I lost my memory but now I remember everything
Anusha: but h...o..w
Kk: u want an answer ok let me show you and he went towards the door and brings out the album and showed her
Anusha: t..teju a..ND you..r wedding album
Kk: yes our wedding album
Anusha: where u get this hmm
Kk: OK u want to know so listen

Few days back kk went to her to look her once did she is fine or not
Kkpov: I don't know why I so much care for her and I even don't care Anusha like this I feel connected to her it's feel like I met her before but where I don't remember that and he camed to and crassed on her head and he looking at her he is looking so cute when she sleep uff she is so cute And went and kissed on her cheeks and start caressing on her hand uff so soft did I love her and he closed his eyes and feeling her uff cutie and few seconds comeout and turn and saw a album which kept on table ahh what is this its seems like an album but who it is and he opened and got shocked 😲 it's me and teju but why we are wearing wedding clothes why we holding each other hand like this did we know eachother before and he gives a pressure to his head ahh ss and he closed his eyes and his Flashback came in front of his eyes and his he open his eyes with shocked
Kk: teju my ladoo My jaan my laddoo and tears drop from his eyes and look at her, her face looking pale she is looking tired and the slap marks on her face it's clearly visible on her faces my love my jaan gone through so much just because of Me and tears drop from her eyes and he kissed on her forehead my love my jaan I m sorry I m extremely sorry and he slept beside her

Next morning 🌄
Teju is sleeping peacefully in his arms and she hugged
Tejupov: sunny I love you sunny please comeback I gonna die without you 💔 please comeback I love you sunny and tears drops from her eyes and his shirt got wet and he wokeup and saw his shirt wet and realized she must be crying and kept a hand on her and saw her wet eyes
Kk: ladoo ladoo my jaan ladoo please don't cry my jaan getup please look at me my baby ladoo after listening his voice she open her eyes she is looking tired she is broken her face got pale her eyes were got red and her eyes was swelling because of so much cry ladoo
And she open her eyes and saw him
Teju: I must be dreaming you sunny I think I only can saw u in my dreams in real world you love someone else not me u even don't remember me I m nothing in life no place
Kk: no my jaan u are everywhere u have a biggest place in my heart ♥ not only biggest place u are my heart my jaan
Teju smile lil and said
Teju: I need to comeout from my dream zone I think
Kk: no my jaan u dreaming but this morning must be a dream morning sunny day see which u always wanted my love my jaan
Teju: I lost everything in life only I can dream or imagine but in reality I m alone I have no one
Kk: no my jaan I m here and he kissed her forehead now wakeup my love I am back your sunny is here
After listening she got shocked 😲 she thought she must be dreaming but she was not and she getup and touched him with her finger
Kk: it's me your sunny
Teju: u are not here I m dreaming right u even dont remember me
Kk: no my jaan I am actually here u are not dreaming
Teju: no
Kk: yes
And she going back and she was about to fall but hero hold his hand and pull her and they have intense eye contact
Teju: sunny
Kk: yes ladoo
Teju: I m not dreaming
Kk: no my love
Teju: u are actually here
Kk: yes my jaan
And getup on her
Teju: no
Kk: yes
Teju: u remember everything
Kk: yes my love I remember everything
Teju: and what u remember and how
Kk: I remember everything everything single when we fallen and when we got married everything fallen love to marry everything
Teju: Sachi
Kk: yes my love
Teju: u love me
Kk: yes I love you and only you ❤
After listening that teju start shivering and crying her neck got red because of stress
Kk: ladoo my jaan calm down now I m back naa don't cry
Teju: do u know how much I gone through when I saw with her I was broken into pieces I just want to die that time I feel lonely every one with me but still I feel lonely do u know why
Kk: why
Teju: because heart my jaan is not with me I am tired sunny I am wishing to get die for myself because I can't see u with her I feel suffocated sunny 😭
Kk: no my love 💔 don't cry don't say this please I m sorry I m really sorry
Teju: it's not your fault your brain is lazy he come late
After listening that Karan start laughing and said
Kk: cutie
And kissed on her forehead
Teju: now stay away from her ok I can't see you with any other girl
Kk: oh my possessive love I promise sunny is only belongs to his ladoo he is only and only yours
Teju: yes u are mine
Kk: I love you
Teju: I love you 2 3 4 and many more

And she hugged him And hugged her back...

Stay tuned 😉

I told you in intro that it is short ff so it's going to be say goodbye soon stay tuned 🤍

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