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Let's start
In hall
Teju running and coming from the stairs and said
Teju: good morning everyone
Everyone gets shocked after looking her that happy
Anusha: what happened teju u seems looking happy did u got another guy hmm
Teju: I am not cheap like who keeps an eye on other guy or a husband hmm
Anusha: U
Teju: don't u dare
Anusha: oooo now u fly
Teju: yes higher
Ponamdi: u seems looking happy what the reason my love
Teju run and hugged her tightly and said
Teju: I m very happy very very very happy
Ponamdi: oh my love I m also happy to see u happy like this but please can u tell me whats the reason it is
Teju: di
Before she complete kk camed
Kk: good morning everyone
Ponamdi: good morning said in a Rude way
Teju: what happened di
Ponamdi: nothing my jaan I just want you to be happy like this and I don't want anyone spoiled it she said while looking karan
Teju: why u saying this
Meenudi: di is getting possessive about u nothing else
Anusha: 😒 strange brother is here and they are getting possessive for stranger
Kk: anusha control yourself hmm
Anusha: what I said I am saying truth what is wrong in that
Kk: what truth hmm he shouted
Anusha: are u in your senses how dare u to yell on me
Kk: and why u are talking like this with my sister if u talk like this I will yell ok
Anusha: shutup Karan and your sister is giving you accept taunting
Kk: don't u dare to come between me and my sisters ok
Anusha: I will u can't stop me remember that
Kk: ssss I don't understand what is your problem u have my sister
Anusha: oh please your sisters irritating
Ponamdi: karan stop this now I think u have take a decision
Kk: what decision di
Ponamdi: decision about u are your life think what exactly u want
Anusha: he only think what I make him to think or say what exactly I want to say
Ponamdi: let me tell you my brother is not your puppy ok
Anusha: he is like my puppy am I right Karan
Kkpov: Anusha just few time more I throw u out from my life and the house
Anusha: Karan
Kk: di please stop fighting
Ponamdi: are u in your senses whom u are talking hmm
Meenudi: di leave it I think his memory loss very huge that he forgot his own sisters let's go
Ponamdi: I think u are I bang my head on wall let's go
And they left
Teju standing and listening everything and felt bad
Anusha: excuse me why u are here u also go
Teju: don't tell me when where I go understand
Anusha: how dare you and she raised the hand and she held and said
Teju: don't u dare if ever you do this again I Break your hand understand u better understand that
And she left
Anusha fuming In anger and she went and slap karan
Kk: anusha 😠
Anusha: shutup and don't u dare to say anything infront of me understand
Kk: u have guts to accept that u are shameless
Anusha hold his collar and pull
Anusha: how dare you
Kk: what your soul get affected hmm
Anusha: just shutup
Kk: ooo this bird wing got hurt oh my God
Anusha: u are taking wrong panga remember that
Kk: I love taking that
Anusha: then u have know what repocreate it's gonna be u know what I m saying hmm
Kk: 😈 not everytime u win sometimes u have to lose and now be prepared for that now excuse and he jerk and left

So ramdan is started ramdan Mubarak

Stay tuned

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