chapter 4

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Morgan's pov


I had successfully checked the classrooms with other prefects to ensure the  students were already headed to their domitories,this was part of my daily duties.

I am Morgan Yves,Charleston high's head boy and everyone's sweetheart,being a charmer always made my work easier because ,Alot of students acted well mannered so they'd be noticed and be on my good side. Asides that, my reputation in school was what teachers called"perfect",Always at the top in my academics, Being punctual, excellent at sports, always well mannered and arranged and also being impartial.was I really impartial?
I'm not sure but I always did whatever I felt was right


That familiar feminine voice irritated me so bad

"Morgan"  she called out a bit louder this time

"What is it again" I said and turned to look at the head girl, inioluwa,I looked at her and wondered how we were ever a thing.During the last session,I thought I liked inioluwa, she had the looks and wow, I was so convinced I liked her, times later,I figured she had a crush on me and that made me move to her,it made the chase alot easier.but we actually never dated,the situationship or whatever anyone would call it was too secretive, not even my friends or Marilyn was aware we had a thing going on.As time passed,I realized I was just attracted by her looks and I was tired of doing things in secret with her... because all those effort for someone I don't really like.but during the holidays,we talked and had an agreement to stop whatever was going on and never to say a word about it to anyone, and what was really Annoying now was her talking to me ,in public,even after our agreement.

"Can we walk together to the dorm" she came closer and looked up to Me"Because we called off things, doesn't mean we can't be friends"
This girl should be for real
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes

"Ini, respectfully, I don't want to walk with you"

"Oh so you find me embarrassing to walk with,the same way you found it embarrassing to date me,upon we always had se__"

"Finee" I cut her words short plus she was being loud "But when you get to the dorm,help me call Marilyn "

"Suree"she smiled and held my hands.
What was that for? What is wrong with ini? ,I felt like I was in big trouble ,what if she starts blackmailing me with the fact we did have something going on between us

We were almost reaching the dorm area, then we noticed few prefects gathered around a junior student who was apparently kneeling down.

"By 9:26ke?...they should allow the junior to go back to his dorm"

"Morgan please warn your friends to release that junior,it's late"

I let out a subtle sigh and quickly withdrew my hand from hers, making my way towards the prefects. Ayo, Cassie, Marvin, and Femi (my roommate) were all standing there, looking like the ultimate authority figures. My gaze landed on Cassie, and I had to physically restrain myself from rolling my eyes. As the girls' dorm captain, she was always trying to prove herself, and her "pick me" attitude grated on my nerves. I mean, I had no solid reason to dislike her, but there was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. I kept my expression neutral.

"My guyyy!" Ayo drawled, his voice dripping with enthusiasm as he grasped my hand in a firm handshake. Ayo, the social prefect, was a total contradiction - he was supposed to be the life of the party, but in reality, he was as dull as a butter knife. But despite his lack of social skills, I admired his dedication to his studies and his complete disregard for what others thought of him. He was unapologetically himself, and that was something I could definitely respect.

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