chapter 3

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" The way Pedro caught you in the refectory was like a scene straight out of a K-drama!" Bisola said, plopping down on my table, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
"Girl, you better get to your class, prep time is in two minutes!" I reminded her, trying to stifle a grin. "Alright, alright, bye for now! We'll gossip more in the dorms!" She pecked me on the forehead, and I felt a warmth spread through my chest. "That was so cute!" I thought to myself, watching her sashay away.

Just as I was about to bring out my chemistry textbook, I heard my name being called out in that distinctive way -
"Marilynnnnn!" I knew it was Morgan, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes good-naturedly. "What's up?" I asked, looking up at him.
Jolaade, who was sitting beside me, chuckled. "You two are inseparable, I swear."
Morgan grinned. "Come on, Marilyn, escort me to make a few announcements in the other grades."

"What happened to the head girl????

"Inioluwa's handling the announcements for the junior secondary, but I need a partner for the senior secondary," Morgan said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "And why would I want to be seen with anyone else when I have you?" He pouted, making a ridiculously cute face that made me laugh. I shook my head, smiling.
"You're something else, Morgan."
Inioluwa, the chubby girl with a heart of gold, might have had the qualities of a perfect head girl - smart, stylish, and punctual - but we just didn't click. Our friendship was limited to occasional smiles and nods in the hallway.

"Upon I'm not a prefect , you're stressing me"I said as I packed in my book and got up to follow him

"'re just my baby"Morgan said and held my waist

"Don't even touch me"

"As if you don't like it "he said and laughed"let's go"

As we strolled along, Inioluwa came bounding up to us, her high-pitched
"Hi Morgan!" making me wince.
Morgan's response was curt "Hey."
Inioluwa turned to me, her tone a tad sharp, "Marilyn, can you give us some privacy?" I raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit miffed.
What was my business, anyway? "Okayyy," I drawled, taking a step back.
But Morgan was quick to intervene, his usual charming self. "Marilyn, don't go anywhere. Say whatever you want, Inioluwa. I'll still tell her anyway."
I shot him a look.
"Morgan, if it's really private, then there's no reason for me to hear it." I turned and walked away, leaving them to their  conversation.

I didn't bother sticking around to hear what Inioluwa had to say, so I wandered over to the classroom, my curiosity piqued by the unlikely duo of Pedro and George. George, the dorm captain, was the life of the party, always knowing how to turn any dull moment into a lively one. Pedro, on the other hand, was the strong, silent type, never one for unnecessary chatter. What were they doing together? I wondered. Were they heading to the junior students' class to supervise prep? I watched from a distance, intrigued by this unexpected pairing. George caught my eye and flashed me a warm smile, and I felt a sense of ease. He was one of my friends.

"Marilynnnnn!" George yelled, waving wildly in my direction.
Pedro turned to look at me, our eyes meeting for a brief moment before he quickly faced forward again. I laughed and returned George's energy, "Georgeeeee!" He sprinted towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug. "I really missed you, girl! You're looking finer than ever!"
Pedro's voice cut through our reunion, "Dude, we're almost running late"

"Give me a minute"George replied him

"When did you and Pedro start talking"I asked cos that was really weird

"During the holidays,we found out we were family friends and we kinda talked,I was thinking he'd not talk to me in school but he did"

"Okay okay, goo and meet him ohh, he is waiting" I said and he nodded

Then I looked over at Morgan,he was already coming towards me.

"I don't like this George"

"That's your personal problem"I replied and he laughed
"Anyways let's go to the other grades"

The walk was silent and it was actually unusual for Morgan not to say what someone told him to me, maybe it was really private,now I'm curious asf

He held my hands as we walked in to ss1 class

As we stepped into the classroom, the SS1 students rose to their feet, greeting us with a chorus of "good evening."
But as soon as they thought we weren't paying attention, the murmurs began. I knew exactly what they were whispering about - Morgan and me, again. Like, couldn't they get it through their heads that we were just friends?
But before I could even roll my eyes, a deep voice cut through the chatter. "Keep quiet!" Pedro's commanding tone was unmistakable. I turned to see him sitting beside George, his eyes scanning the room with an air of authority.
Morgan cleared his throat, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I'm here to make a quick announcement. And let me warn you all, I won't tolerate any nonsense in this section." He paused, his gaze sweeping the room as if daring someone to test him. I was done with standing, so I made my way over to an empty seat and politely asked the girl to stand up so I could sit down.

"For the guys!" Morgan's voice was firm, his eyes scanning the room with a hint of warning. "No short sleeves or elbow sleeves, got it? Keep your hair neat and tidy, no funky styles or wild colors. And absolutely no jewelry - I don't want to see a single chain, earring, or bracelet. If I catch you breaking any of these rules, trust me, you'll regret it. And finally, after prep, don't even think about getting caught with a girl - I don't want to see any PDA, no holding hands, no sneaking around the girls' hostel. Because if I catch you, you'll tell me what you are looking for" His gaze lingered on a few students, as if daring them to test him. I raised an eyebrow, impressed by Morgan's authoritative tone even tho he somehow sounded like he was joking

The ss1 students laughed

"And girls, listen up!" Morgan's voice was firm but playful. "No short dresses or skirts, or you'll answer to the head girl. No hair extensions, no bold earrings. I don't want to see you with any guy passed 9 ,okay?
The students chorused "Okay, senior!" in unison, their voices laced with a mix of respect and fear. Morgan turned to me, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Darlings, let's go!" He pulled me up from the seat, and the class erupted into a chorus of "Awwwws" and murmurs.

"Last warning "Pedro said out again
And the class got really quiet,if you dropped a pin ,you would hear it

We left the class to enter another classroom
"Morgan what is wrong with you,stop calling me these names in public"

"Shhhhhh"Morgan said as he placed his finger on my lips" I did that to see how Pedro would react

"I don't understand,what's your business with how he reacts"

"He looked at you,when we were walking "

"I don't care,let's get done with these announcements"
I said and made him walk faster into another classroom

I acted like I didn't care but the thought of Pedro looking at me was sexy, like mister mysterious looked at me
I shook of the thoughts as Morgan began announcing in the second class.

By the time Morgan was done with everything,it was 8:50pm and prep ends by 9pm
"I wasted my prep walking around with you"

"It's because you love me"

"Shut up" I said as I entered my class to pack my books and prepare to head back to hostel
My mind went back to Pedro again. I wanted to stand out so bad by not finding him attractive but I did,and I don't know if it was a good or bad thing to.

Hey guys,did you love this chapter
What do you think inioluwa told Morgan?
Did Pedro really look at Marilyn or is Morgan playing with her mind?
And how do you see George?
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Love you❤️❤️❤️

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