chapter 11

28 11 12

Marilyn's pov

As I slowly opened my eyes, the bright lights of the clinic ward pierced through my skull, making my head throb. I was met with Pedro's face, his eyes filled with  boredom.
"You're up," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm.
I was confused, disoriented, and my mind was a complete blank.
Why was I in the clinic? How did I even get here? The memories came flooding back, and I winced as I recalled my embarrassing fall.
"Why am I here?" I croaked, my voice barely audible. Pedro raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're clumsy, that's why." I shot him a weak glare, my head still spinning.
"What happened...and why would you even help me?" I asked, my voice laced with skepticism. Pedro shrugged.
"Chioma just left, she's the one who brought you here." My heart sank ,I thought about Morgan , the realization that he hadn't even bothered to help me stinging like a fresh wound.
"Okay..." I trailed off, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm leaving, and I don't want anyone to think we're friends."
I didn't care about his response, the sting of Morgan's absence still fresh.
"Go," I muttered, dismissing him.
But Pedro lingered, his next question piercing my armor. "Are you still thinking about your boyfriend?"
My eyes flashed, irritation burning within me.
"I thought you were leaving!" I snapped, exasperated.
Pedro let out a tired sigh.
"Truth is, I can't leave you here. You've got a bruise on your forehead, and we have an appointment tonight." My eyes widened in horror as I scrambled off the bed.
"I bruised my forehead?" I shrieked, my hands flying to my face. "No, no, no...not my face!" I raced to the mirror, my heart sinking at the sight of the purple bruise marring my skin. My face was my everything, and I couldn't bear the thought of it being imperfect.

"It's just a bruise"
I'm sure Pedro was so confused on how dramatic I acted but ...this is my face,and the bruise was so biggggg
"Omgg...look how big it is "I said as I ran towards him , shaking him aggressively

"Calmm downn"he said as he used his hands to hold my shoulders ,to stop me from being dramatic "it's not that bad...and you're overreacting...,don't you feel any ache?...and you're jumping like this "
He sounded so concerned and I wondered why

"I have headache tho I don't think tonights reading appointment would work"

"The more you waste time,the more we are behind and I'm not asking you to read... just to explain things for me..jeez"

"Do you realize how selfish you sound?" I exclaimed, my voice cracking as tears threatened to spill over. "I have a headache, my body aches, and you're still asking me to explain things...I'm just so tired." I felt a mini breakdown coming on, but I didn't care. I was vulnerable, and Pedro was witnessing it all.
"Can you stop, please...I'm sorry," he said softly, his handkerchief gently wiping away my tears. His words were laced with a tender concern that made my heart flutter.
"I don't like it when girls cry," he admitted, his eyes filled with a sincerity that made me feel a little better. He handed me a set of male sports uniform. "These are the only extras the clinic has. Your clothes are dirty, so change into this."

""Thank you," I muttered, hastily pulling off my top before realizing Pedro was still in the room.
My face flushed with embarrassment as his eyes widened, and he quickly turned away.
"I'm so sorry," he apologized, his voice laced with sincerity.
I felt my cheeks burn as I changed into the male uniform, my dirty clothes bundled up in a nylon bag on the table. Pedro turned back to me, his eyes avoiding mine.
"It's 6:10, so let me get you to the dining hall. You need to eat and take some pain relievers." I wondered why he was being so kind, but didn't dare ask.
We walked side by side in silence, the only sound being our footsteps. As we entered the refectory, I felt a hundred eyes on me, probably due to my unusual attire or the fact that I was with Pedro. Just then, Jolaade rushed towards me, and Pedro quickly excused himself, leaving my side.
"My babbyyyyyyy"jolaade said and hugged me so tight"sorryyy okayy? have to eat and just rest"

Marilyn: A decision between love and hateWhere stories live. Discover now