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I stand in the drive way as I watch my mother drive away with my family with her. To think that it might be the last time I see them brings a few salty tears down my face. I quickly wipe them away as I walk back to the house.

I put on my favorite shades (which are black nerdy ones) to cover my icy blue eyes. I read in my guide that it's better not to make eye contact with them... I sling on my huge backpack as I jump onto my bike. "Well this is it..." I whisper. I'm leaving my home, and it could be the last time...

About 20 minutes later my bike shrikes to a stop at a towering wall. "Crap, how am I going to get over?" I walk over to the wall and poke it.

Metal. Dangit. So this whole barrier is made out of shear metal? Great, my luck. "I wonder what would happen if I run a car into it..." I let myself go into lala land again "Dangit Kabira stay focused" I scowl to myself. I look up at the wall and it seems to be 12-15 feet tall. "Hmmm" I Mumble as I look around at my surroundings. I see a single tree that towers the wall by about 5 feet. "THANK THE LORD" I half scream, half shout in joy as I skip to the tree.

I circle the tree while I think of different ways on how to climb it. I end up swinging my long rope onto a think branch that just about hangs over the wall. I then quickly climb up the tree and tie the rope on tightly. I then scamper back down the tree and tie the rope to the bike. "Ugh this is taking soooooo long" I pout to myself.

It's not even been a day and I'm already talking to myself like a crazy psycho... great.

I then scale the tree, for what seems like the millionth time. When I reach the top I grab the rope and heave the bike up. I then swing my bike so it is on the other side of the wall and I slowly let it down. Now for the hard part... I grab on to the thin rope like my life depended on it, and let me tell you, IT DID. I cautiously slide down. "EEEEKKKKKKK"


"OWWW OMG..." I stand up dazed and I clumsily stumble to the bike. I brush of my sweatpants and jump on my bike. "Thank god no one saw that...." My face turns bright red in embarrassment. "Well I better be off..." I stupidly mumble to myself. "OMG SHUTUP AND STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF!" I faceplam myself as I speed off into town.

----------------------------------------------------1 HOUR LATER------------------------------------------------------

The wind whips my face as I ride down the deserted streets. "Where is everyone?" I whisper half to myself as I skid to a stop. I kick down my kickstand and skip over to a random house.

"Heyyy I think I raked this old lady's yard once for an orchestra thing in like 6th grade, wonder if she still lives here..." I shrug and prance up to the door. The house was a forest green with huge double doors. I grab the knocker thingy, yes I call it the knocker thingy and knock on the door. As soon as I remove my hand to wait the door slowly creaks open. What the heck... I take out my pistol from my pouch and kick the door open.

I slowly walk in. what the heck opened the door!!?! Ok this is getting scary.. I slowly turn in circles. I hear groaning and the squeaking of floor board up stairs.

WHAT THE HECK, ZOMBIES CAN OPEN DOORS AND WALK UP STAIRS LIKE SUPER FAST, HOW!!??! As I ramble on in my head I hear something move behind me. I twirl around to see my Samantha and her family. "SAM YOUR O-" They cock their heads as I speak to them, what the heck!? Samantha slowly turns her head to revel a half-eaten face. My eyes bulge in horror.

WHAT, HOW, WHEN!!!?!? I hear more movement behind me. Instead of turning my body, I slam the door shut and hold my back to it. I turn my head to see Olivia, Ashley and Jessica staring at me with black, hungry eyes.

Olivia only has one ear, half a gory nose, 1 eye and barely a face. Ashley is not as bad, just a missing arm and half a head... But jess, if it weren't for her blazing red hair, I could never tell it was her.

The stench is so bad I have to plug my nose. Let me tell you, crusty, dried flesh and rotting bodies are not the best smell in the world. But what I last see, I was not expecting. I heard maddened groans and stomps up stairs. I slowly lift my head to see....

To see my whole family, there before my eyes, rotting flesh, black hungry eyes. They lick their dry cracked lips as they watch my every move. I just stare in horror, unable to move.

RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, OPEN THE DOOR AND RUN KABIRA RUN ! a tiny voice chants in my head. I slowly move my hand to the door knob. I feel their eyes burn on me with every move I make. I slowly start to twist the knob.

I rip the door open, I snap around ready to run, but I stop in my tacks with a blood curling scream.

There in front of me, the whole town of rotting bags of flesh stood. I slammed the door shut as hot salty tears roll down my face.

I was going to die...

I turn back around and try to ignore the banging at the door. Ive met my end.. I glare at them. Heck no. I wasn't going down without a fight! I must be crazy, but everything started to go in slow motion.

I raise my gun and shoot Samantha in-between the eyes. I then shoot her brother in the fore head and roll out of the way of Olivia's grasping arms. I raise my gun again and nail two into Olivia's head. I try to duck Ashley's grasping arms but she grabs me with her one arm and I react by kick her in the face. I hear a snap as her head fly's off and hits the wall. I gag in disgust but continue and fight. I hear a mad shriek and turn to see Jessica and Samantha's mom fighting over the loose head. Ewe. Gross. What. The. Heck. I take that in my advantage and place a bullet in the back of both of their heads. I feel a ruff hand grab my arm. CRAP I turn my gun at Sam's dad and aim. CLICK CLICK CLICK. "CRAP! I quickly un-sheath my sword and with one quick swipe, he is be-headed. I then turn to face my family how are making the way down to me. I cant help but break out into tears. I can't kill them!! They are or once were my family!

I suddenly feel cold arms grip my neck. This is the end. I let out last cry an- BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. My eyes flutter open at the annoying beeping. I look around. I'm in my bed. I am soaked in sweat. Ew.

I groan as I slap my alarm clock off. I stumble out of bed, still shaken from my dream. As I walk into the kitchen I see my mom and grandma huddling by the TV. This seems familiar ... But I push it to the back of my mind. "Hey mom guess what?" I ask cheerful as I jump onto the couch.

Not waiting for her to answer, I continue to ramble on. "I had this crazy dream an-"She cuts me off with a cold finger to the lips. She slowly raises a finger at the TV. Oh no. this CANT be happing. I see that same short bald man "I just can't believe they would test a zombie in Hudson."


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