CHAPTER 9 What is wrong with the male race?

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*Sorry that I havent posted in.. like.. forever*

Jason and I run into down town, hoping to find Curtis and the little girl. I run to the car where the little girl had been stuck in. The car door is wide open, and Curtis and the little girl are no where to be found.  

"Kabira look!" Jason tugs on my arm and points to the candy shop. I follow his gaze and see two figures standing inside the candy shop. I quickly rush to the door and pull it open, katana in hand.  

"Curtis!!" My katana drops to the ground as I run to Curtis, engulfing him in a hug. 

"Kabira... Don't ever do that again." He mutters kissing my forehead gently. 

"No promises" I give him a sly smile as I pull away from the embrace. "Jason, come in, please." I call through the open door. Awkwardly Jason steps into the shop.  

"Hi, I'm Jason." He holds his hand out for Curtis to shake. 

"Curtis." he mumbles as he grabs Jason's hand, they shake hands briefly glaring at each other. What's wrong with these too? They just met for gods sake!  

I pick up my Katana, sheathing it as I look around the room, searching for the second figure. "The little girl?" I ask looking to Curtis. 

"I'm not that little!" my head snaps in the direction of the voice. A girl, around the age of twelve peeks her head up from behind the counter. She has gorgeous blue eyes and short black hair that frames her face perfectly. I smile at her and extending my hand. "I'm Kabira, You are?"  

"My name is Chey, oh and I already know who you are." she says, amusement clear in her voice. I tilt my head in confusion, looking between Curtis and Chey. "Curtis talked about you nonstop." she says, smirking.  

I look over at the blushing Curtis. "Oh really?" 

"Mhmm" Chey mutters through a  mouthful of cookies.  

"So, Kabira, what happened? Where did all the zombs go?" Curtis asks, changing the subject. 

"I might of crashed a car into a house?" I say shrugging 

Curtis facepalm's while Chey just looks at me, shocked. "You did all that for me?" I nod smiling at her. 

A dark look appears on Curtis's face. "You could of died." 

"But I didn't, and all that matters is that you two are alive and that I found Jason." 

"But--" I cut Curtis off. "It's getting late, we need to make a camp, find somewhere to stay the night." His face brightens  

"How about here? There are two doors, also there is food and water." Jason and I nod in agreement. 

I bite my lip in thought "We should take watch shifts- I'll take the first shift" Jason shakes his head in disagreement.  

"You need rest.. Curtis can take the first shift, I'll take the second and you can take the third."  

"But I'm ok-" Curtis cuts me off "Jason is right, you need rest." 

"Ugh fine.." I walk over to Chey and sit down besides her. "So.. how old are you chey?" I mumble quietly. 

"Thirteen, but I look younger.. Well at least that what everyone tells me" 

I shake my head in disagreement "No you look your age, maybe even older." 

Chey smiles and continues to eat her cookies. I reach in a bin besides me and pull out a chocolate bar and devour it within seconds.  

Chey chuckles "You might want to eat REAL food" 

I look down at her bag of cookies "Why don't you?" She sticks her tongue out at me and plops another cookie in her mouth. I open my backpack and pull out a can of peaches and a can opener. 

"Peaches.. really?" I playfully slap her arm  "We are in a zombie apocalypse! What else is there to really eat!" 

"Well, there is a restaurant across the street." she mutters. 

"You my dear, are a smart kid." I pat her head snickering. Jason grabs my hand and pulls me away  from the door. 

"Where are you going?" he raises an eyebrow in question. 

"I'm going to go get some food and to use the restroom, now let go of me!" I try to pull away from him but his grip tightens and his face darkens. "No." 

"But I have to pee! Plus you don’t control me!" his grip on my arm doesn’t loosen. "You're not leaving." 

"I'm not helpless you know.. I BROKE INTO Hudson, I'm not scared of them, I can handle myself." he pauses for a moment before answering "If you go, I'm coming with you"  

"Okay, fine by me, let me just go tell Curtis." His grip loosens on my wrist and I pull away from him and walk over to Curtis. 

 "Curtis, me and Jason are going to raid the restaurant next door, bye seeya later!" As I turn to walk away he grabs my arm.  

"Wait." He pulls me into a hug. "Be careful.." he mutters. I feel his lips press against my forehead gently. He lets go of me and walks away. 

What just happened..? A blush rises to my face as I walk back over to Jason. I unsheath my Katana and nod to Jason. "Ready." I notice  that his left fist is clenched tight along with his Jaw. What is wrong with these guys? How come they are always so angry??  

He avoids eye contact with me as he opens the door and walks out. Boys.. what's wrong with them? The world may never know. I quickly follow him and shut the door quietly. "Jason wait! You don't know where you're going!" I scream whisper.  

He stop's in his tracks waiting for me to walk past him. I'm careful with my steps as I walk toward the restaurants front doors, making little to no noise. I rest my hand on the cold door handle and twisting the knob, and strangely enough the door is unlocked and it slowly creeks open.  

Oh wow, just like the horror movies.. I shudder slightly at the thought. I feel Jason's presence behind me and I seem to relax a little bit. The last of the days sunlight shines through the window, slightly lighting the room. Jason takes out a flash flight and flips it on. 

I step further inside and gently close the door. "I'll check the back room and bathrooms, can you check the kitchen and the basement?"I notice his body stiffen at the word 'Basement'  

"I'll go with you in the basement." he nod's and walks off. What is wrong with that child, seriously! 

After I cleared the backroom and the bathrooms I decide to wait for Jason in the main room. Five minutes pass.. then ten. Man, that boy knows how to make me worry. Gripping my Katana I slowly creep into the kitchen. My jaw drops at the sight I see..  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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