CHAPTER 8 New Friends.

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(A/N)SORRY I TOOK FOREVER TO UPDATE!! DUN HATE ME! IM SORRY! Ok well this chapter isnt edited.. sorry. I made it longish for you guys!!! Thanks! :D**

I slowly raised my head and glanced into the car window. There sat a small little girl about the age of 10. Her leg was stuck under the seat. Fear shown on her face as she mouthed “help me” 

Shock was present on both of mine and Curtis face. I quickly reached for the handle but Curtis grabbed my hand and shook his head no. He pointed to the Zombies that were heading are way.  I let out a silent cuss as I bite my lip in thought.

“Get her out of here.” I whisper into Curtis’s ear as I sprint away. I look back at him and give him a sad smile. He shakes his head wildly, As he mouths the words “no, don’t” I wave a goodbye to him as I walk closer to the zombies. I un-stealth my katana as I crouch behind a car. I slowly open the driver seat door and slip in, closing it behind me. I let out a sad sigh as I searched for the keys. I let out a mumbled “ah-ha” when I find the keys tucked in between the seats.

“Please let me be ok…” The car roars to life and I quickly put it in reverse. The car swerve’s backwards down the street as Run over zombie after zombie. “SUCK IT ZOMB ZOMBS” I laugh to myself. “AHHHH OMFG” I let out a scarred scream as a Zombie jumps on the back of the car and starts clawing at the window.

I quickly step onto the breaks and the zombie fly’s off. “I didn’t like him any way’s….”  I nervously chuckle. 

Remembering my earlier thoughts about running a car into the wall gave me an epic idea, Epic but dangerous. Ehhhh why not? I quick turn the car around and drive left on to 2nd street. I quickly take a right and speed up as I coast down 3rd street. This next part was going to need some speed… I see the nearest town house and stomp down on the gas petal.

The car crashes into the house, and my head bashes against steering wheel as the car comes to a stop. I turn on the car alarm and leave it running as I bolt out of the car, Katana in hand. I run up the stairs to the top floor. Opening a bedroom room door I rush to the window and pull it open. Glancing outside I see a huge horde of Zombies.. Well at least that part of the plan worked…

By now some zombies were in the house stomping around. Shrugging I climb out of the window and onto the roof. Luckily I’m smart and chose to crash into a townhouse. All the houses are fairly close together, making it easy to jump from roof to roof. I backup, getting a running start. I let out a few cuss words as I start running. The first dozen houses were a piece of cake. But by now I was tried, and the jumps were getting farther apart.

I looked back and the hordes of zombies were almost a speck in my vision. I decided it was time to hit the streets. Casting one last glance back at the hoard, I walk over to the edge of the house. I slowly lower myself the next level of the roof and pull open a window. Slipping in I quietly shut it. The room was a hot pink with a Princess bed and dolls, everywhere. I cooed at the sight, this was my dream room as a kid. Picking up a doll from the ground I hug it to my chest. Thinking about the little girl in the car I keep the doll tucked under my arm. My head snaps to the door as I hear the creaking of stairs. I slowly take the Katana off my back as I creep toward the door. The door swings open and I am met with a gun pointed to my face.  A boy, about my age maybe a little older than me with dark brown slightly curly hair was holding a Rifle at me. Surprise emerges on his face as he slowly drops the gun to his side. “O-o-oh I’m s-s-sorry miss.” A blush appears on his face and a giggled escaped my lips as a response. He looked at me oddly so I offered him a Small Smile. I stick my hand out to him. “I’m Kabira, Im 16.. And uhhh I’m from North Hudson, So yah.”

He takes my hand and shakes it. “Jason.”

“Hia Jason… I haven’t seen you around... Are you from here?” I cock my head to the right in question. He rubs the back of his head awkwardly. “Well, I’m not from here; I would have been damn fine if I stayed in Lynn… I came here on a hunting trip with my brother, He’s dead now…” He cast’s a sad look down.

“Im sorry to hear that..” I take two strides closing the space between us and pat him on the shoulder. He looks up and smiles at me. He looks at me with hope in his eye. “Are there others?”

A grin spreads on my face.  “Yep! I am also going to find my best friend and Grandfather. I don’t actually live in HUDSON. But I can’t leave my friends.. Or what is left of them to die.. But besides me and you there is Curtis and the little girl… OH CRAP we have to get back to them!” I grab his hand and pull him out of the room and down the stairs. “Wait.. I need to get my stuff.” Jason Mumbles. I let go of his hand and walk to the door. “Hurry up.” I whisper almost to myself. I look out the window slowly, Careful not to make any sudden movements.

A flood of dizziness washes over me. “What..” I slowly raise my hand to my head. Sticky. That’s what I felt. Blood had started to ooze down my forehead. I let out a light Whimper as pull my Hat off. I sit down, swinging my backpack in-front of me and I start to search for the bandages.

“Wow what happened?” Jason slowly walks over to me with a worried expression. “I ran a car into a House?” I chuckled as pulled out a bandage roll and cut a piece. “Can you tie it around please?” I ask Jason, looking up at his chocholate brown eyes, giving him my best puppy eyes. “I would of without the Puppy eyes you know…”He mumbles awkwardly as he takes the bandages and wraps them around my wound.

After he finished dressing my wound he hands me the rest. “Thanks!” I stand up quickly, forgetting my weakened stage. I stumble backwards; I let out a quiet yelp as I fall into Jason’s arms. “Careful.” Jason smiles sweetly at me. Butterflies burst into my stomach. Wow what. Butterflies. What? My eyes trail from his Eyes to his lips. A huge blush Forms on my face as his Lips form into a smirk. I stand up quickly, But carefully this time. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go” I mumble as I grab my Bag from the ground. I open the front the door and slowly step outside. I blink a few times waiting for my eyes to adjust as I look into the sky. “It looks like we still have a Few hours of Sun.. We better hurry.. “I mumble to Jason as we set off into the streets.


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