CHAPTER 7 Ready? Set. Go!

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Looking though my bag, I saw that I had almost everything I would need. I look over at Curtis to see him making something. “Whatcha’ doing?” I ask him quietly. “Making bombs.” He says without looking up. I quickly take a few steps back. “You might want to eat and drink something before we leave” He suggests. I shrug in response, knowing he can’t see me.

 Walking over to the mini fridge by the checkout I and grab a few water bottles and stuff them in my bag. I also grab a couple Gatorades. I grab the Blue one, and unscrew the top, taking a swig. God this is heaven… almost.

 I suddenly feel like someone is watching me.. I turn my head to look at Curtis. He is just staring at me, smirking. I quickly look away. I light blush appears on my face. 

“Think fast”

“Wha- Ouch!” I scream whisper as a package of cookies hits me in the face. “Eat Up.”  Curtis Smirks.

Huffing with frustration, I rip open the bag of cookies, dropping a few in my mouth. “Kabira?”

“Curtis?” I reply, mocking him. He just rolls his eyes at me. “Care to get some medicine?” He points at the counter. “Ya, whatever.” I mumble as I walk over to the counter. “Uhhhhh” I stare blankly at the rows of pill bottles. “Umm Curtis.. I don’t even know what these do.. I don’t take medicine… Mostly.”

I Hear him groan quietly as he walks over to me. He opens his bag and starts putting stuff in. I turn around and almost run into a Book self. I come Face-to-face with the book “World war Z” I turn around and quietly chuckle.

A idea shoots through my head. I turn back around and grab a couple handfuls of magazines. I then quickly walk over to the counter and open a few draws. “Ah-Hah.” I mumble to myself.  Curtis turns around and looks at me, puzzled.

I sit on the floor and wrap a magazine round half of my leg. I then rip a strip of duct tape from the roll and secure the magazine to my leg.

I continue this process, until both of my legs (My knee too my ankle) are covered in thick magazines. I look over at Curtis, he too has both legs wrapped and taped. “Can you help me with my wrist, and arms?” I ask as I look at him. “Sure.” He mutters as he couches next to me.  He opens a magazine and raps it around my arm, then tapes it on. He repeats this on my other arm.

“My turn” He smirks at me. “Ya, ya whatever.” I then help him, put his on.

“Ready to go” He asks me quietly. I nod in response. Curtis slowly pushes the open and peeks outside. He quietly curses and moves aside for me to look.

Two words pop into my head. Why. Me. About 50 Zombies roam the street. I look up into the sky, to see the sun still high in the air. “Curtis, we will want to try and NOT fight. That will only call more. “Ok.” He whispers.  “Wait for my signal.” I quickly scoot out the door, and run behind a car. I open my Gatorade and quickly drink the rest. I then throw it as hard as I can to the other side of the street. All the zombies quickly run to it. I turn around to get Curtis but he is already behind me. I give him a threating glance. He just smirks. We quickly run up the street and behind another car. The zombies know are slowing walking around, straying from the bottle. Curtis turns around and grabs a pretty big rock. He cucks it, and it lands all the way at the end of the street. Wow. Just wow. That, show off.

He turns to smirk at me as he quickly runs behind to the next car. I crouch down and run, stopping beside him. Curtis is about to run, When we hear something from inside the car. We stop dead in are tracks.

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