Chapter 1: Y/N

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I close my eyes, and I'm in a field.
It's midnight, and I'm wearing a long black gown. The field is full of white flowers, glowing under the full moon. Complete silence. I open my arms wide, basking in the cool moonlight. I feel more alive than ever before...
My little sister yanks the headphones off my head, causing my eyes to open to my grim reality.
"What are you listening to now??" She sing songs as she puts the headphones on herself. She screams. "MOOOM she's listening to music with swears!!" "Give that back!" I yell back at her, ripping the headphones out of her hand.
"Now Y/N you know the rules" my mother says dismissively, not even turning her head from the passenger seat of our minivan "If you can't share with your sister you can't have them on." I groan loud so my malcontent is obvious. "Why did I need to come anyway? I couldn't care less about a stupid 4th grade ballet." "That "stupid ballet" is starring your sister. Why wouldn't you want to come show your support?" My mother finally looks back at us, with a smile that's telling me to keep quiet. She knows me well, I have a sarcastic comeback to just about everything. I glance at my sister, annoyed. She looks back at me and sticks her tongue out. I groan loud again. "Daaad can't I go home?? Come on you're reasonable!" My dad, who's been driving silently, sighs about being brought into the conversation at all. "Listen to your mother, don't throw a fit." I sigh, slumping back in my seat with my arms crossed. "Besides its nice to spend time as a family." My mom chimes back in. I feel something sticky on my arm and realize my sister has stuck her wet lollipop on my arm. I screech. "I HATE THIS FAMILY!!" I yell as I throw the candy out the window and put my headphones back on.
I close my eyes again, hoping Gerard way's voice can make up for my horrible life.

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