Chapter 9

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It's finally Monday, and I am starting to get ready for my 8 am class. I decided to wear a lightweight tan sweater with black leggings and white Nike blazers. It's finally starting to get a little cooler out, so I went with this comfy outfit.

I head out the door and start my walk to Beaker Hall. I get to class, sit in my usual spot closet to the door, and get my laptop out. The Professor finally started the class, and I was taking notes. Twenty minutes into class, the door opened, and I looked up. No fucking way. I see that Carter Jones walks into my class. Since when was he in this class?

I quickly look down, trying to avoid eye contact, as he sits in the only empty seat left in class- right next to me.

The class went on, and I tried to steal some glances at him. Of course, every girl would want him. He is hot as fuck.

I think he noticed that I kept looking at him because the final time I looked over at him, he locked eyes with me and winked. I quickly look down, knowing I am turning beat red.

For the rest of class, I tried to concentrate on the professor, but all I could really think about was how I was caught sneaking looks at Carter.

Once class was over, I hurriedly packed my bag and made a beeline straight to the door. I had made it down the hall until I heard my name called from behind me.


Should I pretend I didn't hear it? I debated with myself for a moment until I decided to turn around and see that it was Carter.

I stop in my tracks and wait for him to catch up with me.

"Hey, Brynnley," He says, finally catching up to me

I look at him with a soft smile and say, "Hey, what's up? " as I continue walking with him. "Nothing much. Hey, look, I just wanted to apologize about my dad last week. He can be a real douche sometimes .. well, I mean all the time." He says

I stare at him in shock as he apologizes for his father's actions. I mean, does he know what his father really says to me when he isn't there? If anything, that was the nicest I've ever seen his father that day.

I don't even know what to say.

"Umm, It's okay, don't worry about it," I say because It would be rude if I agreed and said, 'Yeah, he really is a dick.'

He looks at me and stares for a moment.

"It's not okay; it was wrong of him to talk to you like that," He says as I look at him. Wow, is he actually this nice?

"I would like to make it up to you. How about you come to one of my games, and we can hang out after it's over?" He continues, but his tone changes from pleasant and charming to flirty and mischievous.

This is what Jensen warned me about

I quickly say, "No, that's okay. I have work that day," trying to end the conversation as I start to walk faster.

"I didn't even say what day it was," He says, trying to keep up with my pace.

"I work a lot, plus with school, it won't work out" I say

"If you want to know, the ladies never say no to an invite from me," He says with a smirk.

I stop dead in my tracks as I shoot him a disgusted look. "Jerk!," I say as I storm away, hoping he doesnt follow.

"Wait, Brynnley, I didn't mean it like that! Wait!" I hear him yell as I keep walking

Now that's the Carter Jensen warned me about.


Fuck that is not how I thought this would go. Girls never say no when I invite them to a game.

I really want to get to know her. How will I convince her?

I head to my car, thinking of ways to get her to hang out with me or even talk to me again.

She probably got the wrong message from me. I know everyone calls me a playboy, and I don't want her to see me like that. I actually want to try with her.

What is happening to me? I never want to get to know a girl. I usually just fuck them and never see them again.

When I get to my car, I stop in my tracks and see Jessica. She is, well, was my go-to fuck since freshman year. She is so clingy and is the biggest puck bunny of all.

I roll my eyes and pretend I don't see her.

"Carter!" She says in her high pitch, annoying, squeaky voice

"What do you want Jess?" I said annoyingly.

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out later, " she says, twisting her hair and blinking so fast that it looks like she has something stuck in her eye.

"Can't, busy," I say harshly while opening my car door.

"But you .." I can't hear the rest, thank god, since I got into my car, slammed the door, and drove off to the house

God, what is this day?

Chapter 9 is up!! Thank you for reading. I really am having such a fun time writing this. This has been a dream for so long and i'm so happy i finally got to publish this. Please make sure to vote and comment! I would love to see how you all are liking the book!
Word count -890

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