Chapter 25

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Weeks have passed since Carter asked me to be his girlfriend, and I have been living on cloud nine. He has spoiled me so much with lunch dates, going bowling, and more phases to get his dad out of the club.

So far, I purposely messed up his meal; he ordered a wedge salad, and I "forgot" his extra dressing. I know I didn't really mess up his meal, but that's about the most I could do when it comes to giving him service. We also switched his tee time by putting a random member's name, so when he came for his 12:00 tee time, he found out it was pushed back to 1:00. He got super mad and cursed out the golf pro. Let's just say Dan gave him strike two.

It's now mid-November, and next week, I am going to Carter's for Thanksgiving. I am kind of nervous to go and meet his family. I actually got to talk to his mom over the phone when she called Carter as we were hanging out. Carter was right when he said his mother is the sweetest person in the world. That phone call definitely calmed my nerves a little bit, but I am still a bit nervous. I dont want to make a fool and embarrass myself.

Anyway, Right now, I am on my way to Carter's game. I haven't seen him in 3 days since he just got back from an away game in Pennsylvania. This game is a big one for him. He told me scouts would be attending his game, so he had to play the best game he had ever played. But he claims that since I will be there, he should be okay because I am his good luck charm. I get all giddy when he calls me that. When I get to the arena, I grab myself a drink and make my way to my seats. As I got to my seat, I saw Jensen already sitting down, waiting for me.

"Hey bitch!" Jensen says while standing up, giving me a hug.

"Hey girl" I say back

I already filled Jensen in about everything that is happening with Carter and me and she was so excited for me. We actually went on a double date with Jensen and Jason since they are dating now, too. It seems like our worlds are colliding in a good way.

Jensen and I chit-chatted for a little until we saw the lights dim, and music started to play through the speakers as they announced each player.

Ever since Carter and I started dating, he has caught me up with all the rules of hockey, so I have a better understanding of the game. Sure, there are times when I am completely lost, but I now know the terminology, so I get it now.

The game starts, and I have to say the opposing team is violent. Our team is crashing into the walls every other second. I am biting my nails at how hard these hits are.

These refs need to do there jobs and stop them.

It's now the last period, and we are up by one point. Carter now had the puck skating across the ice when a player from the other team slammed him into the wall, and Carter fell to the ice.

I gasped and shot up from my seat. He isn't moving

I try not to cry as I bang on the glass, trying to tell someone to check on him.

I see Jason and Ryan skate over to him as well as the team medic.

My heart was beating so fast, and I heard Jensen trying to calm me down.

"I'm sure he is okay, calm down, Brynn," Jensen says in her soothing voice.

My eyes never leave Carter's sight.

I release the breath ive been holding in when I see Carter start to stand up, and his eyes catch mine as he throws me a thumbs-up. I sigh in relief. Thank god he is okay. He scared to shit out of me.

The game continued, and we ended up winning as Carter scored the winning goal. Jensen and I jump around like lunatics in excitement about our win.

The boys skate off the ice, and we make our way to the locker room like we always do.

Once we got the the locker room door, we waited about 30 minutes till we saw our men walk out.

I run to Carter as he drops his duffel bag, and he opens his arms, ready to catch me

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him in congratulations

I pull back and place my hands on his cheeks, examining him

"Are you okay?" I ask him in a concerned tone

"Yeah, I'm okay, baby, it was just a hard hit," He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer.

"You had me so scared," I say, starting to tear up again

"Hey, I'm okay nothing is wrong everything is okay, baby," He says, tightening his grip around me and looking into my eyes.

I place my head on his chest while taking a deep breath.

"You ready to get out of here?" He says, pulling away and taking my hand in his.

I nod as he picks up his duffel bag and throws it over his shoulder

"I'll see you guys later" I say to Jensen and Jason as they are hugging

"Bye guys," I hear them say as we start to walk away.

We almost make it out of the arena until we hear someone call Carter's name behind us:

"Mr.Jones." We both turn around, and I see a man who looks unfamiliar

"Hi, Mr. Jones. I'm Peter Laviolette, the head coach of the New York Rangers, do you have a second to talk" He asks Carter as I let go of his hand and practically push him to the coach, and he walks towards him.

I lean up against the wall to go on my phone and wait till he is done talking. A couple of minutes have passed, and I get a text from my manager, Dan asking if I can work dinner service tomorrow night. I hate dinner service I dont know why, but I just do

I text him back saying yes because I will never turn down the opportunity for money.

Once I send the message, I look up and see that Carter and the New York Rangers coach making their way back to me

"I hope you think about it" the coach says as he reaches for Carter's hand for a handshake

"Absolutely, Thank you Coach" Carter says shaking the man's hand and walks over to me.

He grabs my hand with a huge smile on his face

"What was that all about" I ask as we make our way to his car

"Well he asked if I would like to come practice with the team in January because they are interested in me" Carter says still with that beaming smile

I stop in my tracks and jump in his arms

"Oh my god Carter! That is amazing!" I say as I hug him

"I know, I'm excited" He says as I lean back and kiss him

"I'm so proud of you" I say against his lips

"Thank you, baby, let's head home and celebrate" He says with that sinister look as he opens my door

Home. I already feel at home when I am with him

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying! I have to say next chapter it's going to be hectic so be ready!

Word count- 1290

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