Chapter 33

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Mature Content Ahead

Carter and I are now both naked. He took his pants off and is now sucking on my tits, leaving hickeys all over my neck and boobs.

He starts to kiss down my stomach and reach my pussy.

He does one long lick across my slit. I got goosebumps across my whole body.

He starts to flick my clit with his tongue, and he inserts two fingers into me

"Baby, oh my god, yes! Just like that," I moan

"You like that baby girl," He says against my clit, causing vibrations.

He adds another finger and starts to curl them against my G-spot.

"Oh baby, don't stop. I am so close." I say while panting and pulling his hair.

He goes faster and faster, and then I explode.

I try to catch my breath

He leans over to his nightstand and grabs a condom.

He opens the packaging using his teeth. That's hot

"Babe, are you sure you are ready?" He asks me, making sure I am okay

"Yes, Yes, completely sure," I say in a rush, getting impatient.

He slides the condom on and lines himself up with my opening

He slowly pushes himself in, and my head falls back.

"Oh baby, you are so tight," he says breathlessly.

I squeeze my eyes tight, trying to get used to his size. Man, why does he have to be so huge? This hurts.

"You okay? Do you want me to stop?" he asks concernedly

"No, dont stop I'm okay. Just go slow," I say, not wanting this to stop. He continues to push. into me, and after a moment, it starts to feel a little better

"You can go faster," I say, and he starts to pick up the pace

Yup, this feels a lot better now

HE starts to go faster, and it feels incredible

"Ahh," I softly moan

"Oh fuck baby, you feel so good, keep squeezing my cock like that," Carter says as he grunts with every thrust while playing with my tits.

"Yes, Yes, Yes Carter! Harder." I moan

He thrusts into me faster and harder, and I feel so close to my edge

"Baby, I'm so close," I moan as I dig my nails into his back

"Me too, babe," he says, going even faster

"Oh fuck, Carter, I'm cumming" I say, releasing my orgasm

"Ahh," he moans while he collapses next to me.

As we both try to catch our breaths. I look at him and lean in to kiss him.

He grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him.

We pull away and stare at each other.

I smile at him "Hi."

"Hi, baby," he says

"That was amazing," he says, and I laugh

"Yeah, it really was," I say as I kiss him again

"I want to do that again' I say, still horny

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" He says, attacking my lips

I reach over and grab another condom out of his nightstand "I'm in charge this time, baby," I say in a seductive tone, and I make my way down his body.

I took off the condom he had on and replaced it with a new one.

I straddle his waist and take his cock in my hand and stroke it a couple of times before lining him up with my opening and sliding down.

"Oh fuck" he says as he throws his head back and puts his hands on my waist, and guides me up and down.

I bounce on his dick, taking him deeper and deeper every bounce.

I now understand why people say ride it because I am on the best ride of my life.

"Oh Carter, yes, this feels so good," I moan

He grabs my waist tight, and he starts pounding into me

"Oh fuck fuck fuck yes!" I shout

I didn't realize I was so vocal in bed

"You like that baby?" he grunts

"Omg, I'm cumming Im, cumming" I am screaming in pleasure

"Fuck" he moans as he pounds into me one last time,

I fall onto his chest, out of breath

He wraps his arms around me, and I hear his heart beating so loudly against my ear

I look up at him

"I love you," I say

"I love you more, baby," he says, kissing my forehead.

I can't believe this is my life

He is my life.

They finally did the deed! Sorry for the cliffhanger for yall that wanna ready the dirty stuff . LMAFO

Anywho I hope you enjoy this please comment and vote

word count - 780

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