Chapter 17

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About an hour passed after Carter left, and my manager, Dan, came into the restaurant.

"Hey, Brynnley, Sam," He says, making his way towards me and the bartender Sam I was talking to.

"Hey Dan." We greet him

"So I just wanted to let you guys know the tee sheet will be pushed back by a little bit. Mr. Jones's cart has two flat tires, and all the golfers are on hold," He said

We nodded our heads and gave our fake pity. Dan walks out. Sam and I look at the tee sheet to see what times golfers should be coming in.

The tee sheet basically tells us what time the golfers go out. It takes about 3 hours to golf the whole course, and usually, they come into the restaurant after their round of golf.

Sam also hates Mr. Jones, so when Dan leaves, we both start laughing.

"He honestly deserves to get stranded on that course," Sam says as I laugh.

"He really does. Maybe he will get a reality check," I say as we both burst out laughing, knowing that will never happen.

Another hour passed, and members started to make their way into the restaurant to get some food.

Mr Jones comes in with an annoyed look on his face. He makes his way to his usual table.

I bring him and the group of men he is with menus and get their drink orders.

When I get the other men's drink orders, I look at Mr.Jones, waiting for his order.

"I want my usual, and it better be for free after what happened to me on the course," he said aggressively.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I don't have the authority to give out free drinks," I say, feeling a bit anxious, knowing that whatever is about to come out of his mouth is going to be nasty.

"I don't care if you have the authority or not. I will be getting a free drink," he said, getting annoyed. I mentally roll my eyes and nod my head "I'll see what I can do," I say and walk away.

"Man, would you look at that ass? Even though she doesn't know how to do her job, Her body makes up for it," I heard Mr. Jones say to his group of friends and hear them laugh.

I felt so disgusted and tried to walk to the service room as fast as I could.

Dont cry. Dont cry. Dont cry.

I take a deep breath and put their drink orders in.

I grab a walkie-talkie and ask Dan if he can come to the service room so I can ask him about the free drink situation.

He agreed to give him a complimentary drink and walked to Mr. Jones's table to apologize again. He told him he could get one free drink.

Is this plan going to work? He gets a flat tire, and they are treating him like a king.

My day continued, and it finally got to the end of my shift, and I headed out to my car.

As soon as I sit down in the driver's seat, I start balling my eyes out.

I don't think this plan is going to work. If we keep trying to sabotage his day at the course, he is going to keep complaining and get free stuff out of it. That is not going to make him want to leave the club. But what really got me was all the comments he made to me today. First, my ass, then how my tights would be great to grab onto during ... well, you know. He even had the balls to say in front of me how good I would be in bed.

I feel so broken. How can men say that about women?

I try to compose myself and start my drive back to campus.

On my ride back, I decided to call Carter.

He answers within the first few rings.

"Hey, Brynn," he says

"Hey," I say with a sniffle.

"Brynn, what happened?" he said, concerned

"Nothing, it's nothing," I say, not wanting to talk about it. "Brynn, tell me what's wrong."

I avoid the question.

"Our plan kind of backfired," I tell him.

"He got two flat tires on the course, but when he came into the restaurant, he demanded a free drink, and my manager let him have one. They treated him like a king today just because they felt bad he got a flat tire." I say with a sigh

"Fuck" I hear him say

"Yup," I say

"What else happened, Brynn? I know that's not the reason you were crying," he says

That's when I broke I started crying again.

I hear him trying to calm me down over the phone.

Once I composed myself, I told him.

"Your dad made disgusting comments to me again today," I say, tearing up again.

I explained to him everything he said to me, and luckily, I pulled into the campus parking lot because that's when I broke down in sobs again.

"That motherfucker! I'm going to kill him!" Carter says, sounding like he is fuming

Not if I kill him first

"Carter, relax," I say, trying to calm him down.

"How can I relax when he said that about you? How could he even say that!" he says, sounding mad.

"I know, but let's not let that get in our way. Let's try to plan phase two," I say, trying to change the subject.

I hear him sigh.

"I guess so. You want to come over tomorrow?" he asks. "Yeah, I'll come over when I end my classes," I say

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Go get some rest and try to forget what that asshole said to you," he says, and I feel myself start to relax as I take a deep breath.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow," I say

"Bye, Beautiful," He says

I feel myself blush. That little saying makes me feel like jello. Just hearing him talk makes me calm down.

"Bye, Carter," I say while I hang up.

I really hope phase two will have a better outcome.

Chapter 17 is up! It seems like the plan backfired badly. Hopefully phase 2 will get a better result. Thank you for everyone that reads! It's gonna get juicy soon just wait!
word count -1032

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