Act 1, Scene 1: Homecoming

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-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-

Rain poured down over the city of Philadelphia. Thunder roared throughout the skies as Lightning lit the skies.

Lightning lit up the skyline, showing a figure in all black perched on a rooftop, observing the area around him.

Lightning lit up the skyline, showing a figure in all black perched on a rooftop, observing the area around him

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Figure: It's quiet.....too quiet.

The figure leaped off the roof, tendrils swinging the figure roof to roof. The figure landed on another rooftop, this one overlooking a small bank with ATM's lined up.

The figures blank white eyes squinted as a van pulled up to the bank. Jumping out of the van were a bunch of goons wearing ski-masks, covering their faces.

Figure: Least they're smart enough to cover up.

One of the armed goons entered the building and began using a big saw, like ones firefighters use, to cut out the ATM's.

Lightning flashed and the figure disappeared from the rooftop. The goons began to steal the cash from the ATM's, filling duffle bags with the cash.

Lightning flashed again, this time, the figure was crawling along the ceiling of the building, the goons not noticing the figure.

The figure silently dropped down from the ceiling. The figure looked at the goons as they continued to pile the cash into duffle bags. The figure crossed his arms, looking down at the goons.

Figure: Hey fellas. Forget your PIN?

The goons all jumped to their feet, startled and scared.

Leader Goon: S-Shit! It's Venom! Get 'em boys!

All the goons grabbed their guns and opened fired on the figure, known as Venom. The bullets hit the black suit, causing Venom to react to the gunshots.

Venom soon fell to the ground, laying motionless. The Leader Goon approached the "lifeless" body of Venom and kicked it with his foot.

Leader Goon: Holy shit. We actually did it. We killed Ven-

Venom: SIKE! You thought bitch!

A tendril shot out of Venom, latching onto the Leaders face and slamming it into the ground, cracking it below.

The tendril lifted the Leaders body, as his face was covered in blood with a broken nose, missing teeth and most certainly a concussion.

Venom: Oops. Too hard.

The tendril tossed the body to the side as the four remaining goons, shook in fear, their guns shaking due to the fear.

Venom turned his attention to the goons, who still remained in fear.

Venom: Tell you what, lads. I'm feeling gracious right now. So drop your guns and get back in the van and run away and never come back. How 'bout it?

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