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(Balloon's POV)
(Note: this happens when Balloon is about 7 and a half years old)

Balloon was watching as his dad was getting put in the back of the red and blue lights car. Before being fully put in the back he gave Balloon a different stare then the other stares he gives Balloon a stare that said 'You'll be dead when I get out' stare. "Alright little girl let's get you to a safe place." Said a driver of the red and blue lights car. "I'm a boy." Balloon said in response. Balloon didn't feel uncomfortable when the red and blue lights driver missed gendered him though. "I'm sorry for getting your gender wrong but get into my car I'll take you to a daycare."." What's a d-d dayzare?"." It's dayCARE and you'll be staying there until I can get an orphanage to take you in."

Balloon got into the weird object's car and they started driving." Kid do you have your seatbelt on?". "No my dad says it's for weak kids to have a seatbelt on." "Well your dad wants you to die because that is unsafe." Balloon grabs the seatbelt and puts it so it isn't over himself and started to look at the night sky. "The stars are nice out." Balloon said calmly. " Oh right no daycares are open now so I'll just have to drop you off at your house." Said the object. Home? No not home that's where dad hits me when I don't be strong. "Is dad going to be there?"." No kid he won't be there he will be...... Busy tonight."

Balloon felt safe one of the luckiest moments for him and his entire life.

Safe is one of the top things for what Balloon wanted.

As long as he is safe he is happy

But too bad that won't be for long


Thanks for (probably very few) readers! I honestly just got hurted today so I got an idea (for once) to make this! I have many plans for what will happen and not all are good.

Plus I got the idea from ShyArtisticPerson to even start writing this! Go check them out unless you already know them and I'm just telling you to read more from them (I swear I'm not sponsored by them)

Welp see you next time when I update this!
~TheCheeseyOne(I prefer this name)

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