Chapter special!: Happy April Fools!

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Ok, this isn't going to be a joke chapter but more like a special chapter (because I can) it's going to be about Balloon's first April Fools (and it confusing for him) ENJOY!

Date: April 1st, 2008, 7:31 am

(Balloon's PoV)

I woke up, nothing seemed different, I got off of my bed and noticed that Trophy wasn't on his bed. Huh that's weird. I decided to cautiously leave the room. The house was quiet, too quiet. I was about to start walking when-. "BOO!" The moment Trophy came out from behind the door and scared me, I screamed and fell to the ground frozen from fear.

"Happy April Fools!" Trophy said. I still was scared on the floor. "Hey bro, it was just a April Fools prank." Trophy said walking over to me and helping me up. "A-april Fools?" I said still a bit scared from that prank. "Dude, don't tell me you never experienced April Fools." Trophy said.

"Uh, so I don't tell you?" I said, pretty much telling him all he needs to know in that moment. "Alright, because you seem to not know, let's pull a prank on dad! To get you a bit familiar with what we normally do on April Fools." Trophy said with excitement.

"But won't dad be mad about it?" I asked as he started grabbing things for the prank. "Nah, it's April Fools, he always lets it slide if it's April Fools." Trophy said, seemingly having all the supplies.

"Ok so how we'll be doing this, I'll throw you up there and you have the Christmas lights and you put them here and there." Trophy started explaining with his, honestly horriblely drawn map on how the idea is supposed play out. Ok and then before you start floating down you throw me the end of the lights." Trophy said pointing at the yellow thing on the paper I think is him.

{After some explaining}

Trophy is now putting the plan in action, and I didn't like it. "Are you even sure I won't get hurt!?" I said as he was about to throw up. "Remember that time when we were trying to get friends at school and you literally jumped off the building to be cool and you get floated down like a Disney princess." Trophy said squinting his eyes at me.

"I wouldn't say like a Disney princess but yeah, I did float." I said as Trophy was preparing to throw me up. He threw me up and I put the lights where he wanted me to put them, I floated higher than what he expected because it took a little bit for me to slightly float down, I threw him the end of the lights and he pulled me down.

He put the lights in a specific part of the ground and grabbed the tape. "Alright now we wait." Trophy said.

{19 minutes later}

We were sitting at the table and then dad walked in. The thing about dad is that he's tall in a way but his face isn't that tall, like that kid at my school or tío Parker. The lights caught on to him and then fell on him. "WHAT THE!?" Dad said falling to the ground now tangled in lights.

Trophy and I bursted out laughing. "Oh yeah, very funny kids." Dad said getting himself untangled. "Nice first April Fools prank right Balloon?" Trophy asked now looking at me. I smiled.

"Best one ever!"





This isn't supposed to be long but hope you enjoyed it!

I sure loved making it.

Only took like 45 minutes to make.

See you in the next chapter!


(Words: 615)

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