Prologue 'Welcome to the Villains World' Chapter 1

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(The introduction starts with someone standing in front of a giant dark mirror with their face obscured and hidden)

???: Ahh... My dear beloved.

???: A lovely and noble flower of evil.

???: Truly you're the most beautiful of all.

???: Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who is the...

(The chapter begins with a shot of Wisteria's cottage, whereas the second one is cut to Wisteria in the kitchen washing dishes, and in the far back is Roxy coming down the stairs with a dazed expression)

Roxy: *Yawns* Okay, I'm gonna head out.

(Roxy grabs her backpack as Wisteria turns off the faucet and looks at her.)

Wisteria: Roxy, you don't have to go out of your way to run these errands. I can handle everything on my own. Besides, you haven't exactly taken a well-deserved break after your previous adventure.

Roxy: No, no it's alright this can probably help distract me from all that's been happening... (mutters to herself) And there's still no sign of Quinn.

(Wisteria looks at Roxy concerned, before letting out a huff since she understands that all of the previous events from when she started living with her were rough.)

Wisteria: Alright then, I'll let you go now.

Roxy: Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can. And if I don't come back sooner, that'll just be a sign that I got wrapped up in another adventure.

Wisteria: Ha ha, Right it wouldn't be a surprise since trouble seems to attach itself to you like a magnet. But call me if anything comes up.

Roxy: Of course, see ya soon.

(Roxy closes the door, and heads out with her Remlit companion Shikoku tails behind her before she hopped onto her flying staff once it took off as they flew their way to the town's market.)

(At the town's market, Roxy and Shikoku managed to spend a decent amount of time and Roxy decided to stop by a cafe and she was quiet while sipping her drink.)

Shikoku: Roxy, are you doing alright? You've been quiet ever since we got here?

Roxy: Huh? Yeah, I'm alright. I've just been on edge recently. (Awkwardly laughs)

Shikoku: It's about Quinn, isn't it?

(Roxy is quiet and looks away staring at the ground. Afraid to admit it after being told multiple times to take a breather.)

Roxy: Yeah.

Roxy: And I know, I need to stop worrying so much but I can't shake the feeling if he's even alive or dead! The thought is scary enough that all my friends got taken and I was the only one who managed to get away.

Roxy: Who knows what Miyoung is plotting right now? Since it obviously won't be any good. Security is only heightened here in the kingdom with how many 'incidents' have happened.

Roxy: (Looks down mournfully while forcing a smile) I'm glad Robin and Primrose are okay, and managing fine on their own. But Quinn is a close friend that I've had for a while. And I don't know what to do or tell the others when I do find out what happened.

(Shikoku looks at her sympathetically, listening to her woes)

Shikoku: I get it. (Stands on her hind legs on the chair she's sitting across from her)

Shikoku: It's not easy, but you shouldn't have to deal with this pressure on your own, we're all in this together, and we'll find him, don't worry.

Shikoku: And besides we're on break so no fretting over something when you still got time! Also, can I get a to-go order for more salmon filets?'

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