Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 2

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(Crowley, Roxy, and Shikoku arrive at the dorm to see that Vil wasn't kidding when he said it was in shambles. But then again, it's better than nothing.)

Roxy: That's too much charm.

Crowley: Right, right. Please come inside.

(Right as they stepped inside, it wasn't any different as it was just as rundown with cobwebs littered everywhere and the small particles of dust lingering where even Roxy's nose would sniffle anytime she got close.)

Crowley: Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain. But let us talk a bit more about your enrollment, shall we?

(Roxy nodded before both she and The Headmaster took a spot across from each other on seats that were sturdy enough to hold after brushing off some of the dust. With Shikoku placing herself on Roxy's lap.)

Crowley: As far as this incident... I need to inform the board of directors. You'll still need uniforms for school, gym, and lab before you obtain your books, school bag, and supplies. Then you'll be ready for your first day. Do you have any questions?

Roxy: Nothing right now.

Crowley: Excellent! I'm going back to do more research. Make yourselves at home. Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!

(Roxy flinched as Crowley left the room, now it was just her and Shikoku in the room thinking of their next course of action.)

Roxy: Geez, loud much?

Shikoku: (rubs ears) Despite that, we should probably clean up the place.

Roxy: Yeah, sure thi–Achoo!

Shikoku: Gesundheit.

Roxy: *sniffles* Thanks. 'If you look at it, the dust looks like snow'

(Roxy decided to strike up a conversation with Shikoku while she swept the floor, and Shikoku used her tail as a feather duster to remove cobwebs.)

Roxy: So, you were going to tell me how you were able to find my stuff?

Roxy: Because I don't remember anything other than being knocked out by a hooded guy, and waking up in a coffin only to be met by a talking raccoon that can breathe fire.

Shikoku: Oh yeah, well to start with, after I hitched a ride onto the carriage as it was taking off, I noticed those same hooded figures who had your stuff after you went through the gates. I was able to give them the element of surprise and jump them before I grabbed your bag and staff.

Shikoku: Believe me, it was hard enough to hold your bag and staff in my mouth that I stumbled just trying to get inside the school without getting spotted.

Roxy: Right, and you weren't able to identify them at all? Couldn't see their faces?

Shikoku: No, I was so focused on running after I jumped them that I didn't even take a second glance.

Roxy: Well, I don't blame you. They would've tried to eliminate you on the spot if you didn't run and hide.

Roxy: 'But seriously, who were they? Judging by the cloaks, they looked like Organization XIII. What could they have wanted with me anyway? I mean despite involving myself with the seven warriors of light in the keyblade war. They may be here to come back for revenge but it doesn't make sense why they're still here since they were all defeated. Or maybe... Hmm?'

(In the midst of her thoughts only to be cut short when Roxy looked out the window and noticed droplets as it started raining.)

Roxy: And it's raining...

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