Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 4

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(After the group escaped the cave, everyone was exhausted from all the running. Roxy scanned the group to see if any of them were hurt. Luckily they came out unscathed but worse for wear from the ink monster.)

Grim: Is this far enough...?

Roxy: Is everyone okay?

Ace: Ooowww... What in the world was that? No one said anything about that!

Deuce: It didn't seem like any old ghost.

Ace: Let's give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled than fight that thing.

Deuce: Wha!? Don't screw with me! I'd rather die than face expulsion! There's a magic crystal right in front of you and you wanna go home!

Ace: Ha, you talk big for someone who sucks worse at magic than me. Go alone if you want. I'm done.

Deuce: Ooh, that right? Then stay right there cowering like a spineless coward!

Roxy: 'What the... Deuce? What's up with that personality shift?'

Ace: Huuuuuuh?? Coward? Who exactly are you talking about?

Grim: U-uuuhh... Deuce. Did you switch up your character?

Roxy: Yeah? Are you doing good?

Deuce: Huh! A-ahem! My bad. I lost my composure a bit.

Roxy: Well, what to do now? How much is magic even helping us? 'Granted, I didn't do much except stand there and watch them all get hurt. Why am I now choking up at the worst times?'

Deuce: Like the Headmaster said earlier, magic isn't all-powerful. If you can't imagine it then it won't materialize. Large-scale or complicated magic requires a lot of training to use.

Roxy: 'I'm aware of that, I once tried to cast a different elemental spell. And that worked out perfectly. But the problem isn't just their use in magic. It was their lack of coordination.'

Ace: But that's why we have schools for magic. You have to practice a lot to use magic just as it comes to mind. Bluntly, you'll screw up if you lose your cool.

Roxy: 'Right, and you all were attacking ruthlessly without planning ahead in time.'

Deuce: At any rate, I'm going in there. I'll figure out how to beat that thing and come back with a magic crystal.

Roxy: Uhh... That sounds like a terrible idea. By going in there, by yourself, without a plan.

Ace: I second with Roxy, and judging by that chandelier incident, you're a complete idiot. And you couldn't land a single hit earlier but now you'll "figure it out"? It's going to end the same.

Deuce: Come again? You think of...

Grim: Here they go again...

Shikoku: Seriously? It's like dealing with a litter of puppies.

Roxy: (holds her temples) 'Oh, my freaking glob. I'm trying to not lose it on these guys, but they are driving me up the freaking wall! I was forced against my will to come here and now I'm being dragged into this and having to deal with all of their crap. I won't sit by and watch them complain and argue any longer!'

(As the arguing got louder, it couldn't barely make Roxy think. Making her annoyed as her ears were ringing getting on her last nerve. She gritted her teeth and her nails dug into her palms.)

Roxy: Grr... ENOUGH!

(Her booming voice startled the four to face her with the attention all on her. Both Ace and Deuce immediately shut up. Roxy growled almost animalistic as her eyes slightly changed into a golden yellow. While Shikoku merely stood there and let her speak.)

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