Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant Chapter 5

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(In Ramshackle Dorm Roxy, Grim, and Shikoku were sleeping peacefully. Until the mirror in the bedroom started glowing.)

SFX : Flash

(Suddenly Roxy began having a vivid dream after going through the mirror. It took her to a place she was all too familiar with; Wonderland. Except it was all gray, with only splashes of color that were red.)

Roxy: Where the heck am I?

Card Soldiers: Hurry and paint the roses red.

Hurry before the flowers wither.

Hurry! Hurry! We have to paint them all red!

Roxy: Huh? Wait, is this...

Alice: Why are you painting the white roses red?

Card Soldiers: Huh? Why you ask?

The truth is... We made a mistake and accidentally planted white roses.

The Queen loves red, so if she sees white, then it's off with our heads!

Alice: Is that so?

Three of clubs: Yes it is, that's exactly why we're painting them red.

Roxy: Same as last time, but why am I here again?

???: I want to go outside Mama...

Roxy: Hmm?

???: I want to play with my friends.

Roxy: Where's that coming from?

(Roxy began following the little boy's voice by going deeper into the Rose Maze until the hedges became narrow trees. Where it was now a forest with a blood-red sky.)

Roxy: Hello?

???: Haven't I studied enough for today? What more do you want me to do? How much harder do I have to work until you're happy? Until I can play? Until I can have just one little sweet to eat for my birthday? Why isn't anything I do good enough for you?"

Roxy: H-Hey can you hear me!

???: Mama... Am I a mistake?

Roxy: 'My glob, that poor boy whoever his mother is, she's doing a terrible job at parenting!'

(The closer Roxy could hear the boy's voice she stopped in her tracks at where the source came from.)

Roxy: *Gasp*

SFX : Snarl

(Slowly backing away, but the wolf already began lunging and her legs moved on their own. Roxy was in tunnel vision as she kept weaving through trees and sliding down slopes to slow it down. Even if it was a fruitless attempt, she continued running for her life.)

Roxy: 'How much farther does it go? Will it ever end!?'

(Just when she could lose hope there was a clearing of trees that led towards light.)

Roxy: There!

(But before she could go any further she stopped realizing she was at the edge of a cliff.)

Roxy: No, a dead end... Wait, is this...

(Before she came to the realization the wolf came prowling as it cornered her and Roxy had no chance of escaping except backing away only a couple of inches from falling off the edge.)

Roxy: It can't be... huh

(Her foot slipped off and stumbled before falling off the edge of the cliff with a shriek as she was plummeting to her death, which looked like a bottomless void of black but was met with a hard surface of jagged rocks at the bottom. The hard impact from the fall made Roxy wake up in a cold sweat as she jolted up.)

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