Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 3

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(After Grim finished cleaning he, Roxy, and Shikoku were in the cafeteria. Waiting for Ace so they can get through their punishment by cleaning the windows.)

Grim: I'm already beat from cleaning all day... Now we have to wash a hundred windows too...

Shikoku: You should've known this was coming before deciding to add fuel to the fire.

Grim: I don't need you to tell me that! Anyways, that Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is? Making me wait! I'm pissed!

Roxy: *sigh* For now, let's just wait for him. 'And if he doesn't turn up, we'll confront him.'

(Grim grumbles, before they all wait.)


(Much Later)

Grim: ..... I don't care what happened, this is too late! Wait, he wouldn't just skip out right?!

Roxy: He probably did, let's go after him.

Grim: Yeah, I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go henchman and bat ears! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all of the window washing!

Roxy: We have names you know? (mutters) And that's a bit excessive, don't you think?

Shikoku: *deeply inhales* I'll have a talk with him later, c'mon!

(As the trio were searching for Ace, Roxy stopped and pondered for a moment remembering something she could do to make their search easier.)

Roxy: Wait, hold on! I think I can track him.

(Roxy was able to get a good waft of his scent earlier when she first met him and was able to see a trail that went down the hall they were going from. Pointing her finger in that direction she motions the two to follow her.)

Roxy: He's this way!

Grim: Wow, seriously! You're like a bloodhound Roxy!

Roxy: 'Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?'

(Getting a side eye from Shikoku at Grim's comment, they both shrugged it off and were able to follow Roxy as they ran down the halls to a room filled with mirrors. There Ace was about to make it through one of them until Grim spoke up.)

Grim: Heeeeey Yooooouuuu!!

Ace: Geh!! Found me!

Grim: Jeeeerk!! Hold up!! I won't let you be the only one to escape!

Ace: I'm not just going to wait around for you! I'm outta here!

Grim: It's not fair for only you to get out of it! I want to skip out too!

Roxy: 'Even though it's a group effort and I'd rather not come up with an excuse to the Headmaster once he finds out.'

(Roxy was able to run faster to be able to catch up but since Ace was so far away he got a head start. Making her worry if they'd get to him in time until she spotted another guy with blue hair, teal eyes, and a spade under his right eye. Where his uniform was a bit more put together than Ace's and also had a red and black armband, indicating he's in the same dorm as him.)

Deuce:... Huh?

Ace: Outta my way! Outta my way!

Deuce: Eh,... Oh?!

Roxy: 'Maybe he can help?' Hey, stop him! Use your magic!

Deuce: Magic to capture someone!? I should freeze their legs, no, how about restraining him? Or I could... Ummm..

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