Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant Chapter 6

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(Once it was done, Cater waved happily at the group as if he didn't just kick them out.)

Cater: Now, Go get a tart then try again! Bye-bye!

(The group had silently returned to the dorm entrance, once they were at the gate Ace spoke up.)

Ace: What's his problem!

Deuce: No matter how many times we took him down he kept coming back... I wonder if he was using illusion magic.

Roxy: 'From what I observed that seems to be the case.'

Ace: On top of that, we get turned away at the gate without a tart? We didn't have anything to begin with. He just wanted us to paint the damn roses!

Grim: He's a shrewd one.

Ace: (Points to Roxy) And why did you hold us back when you could've used magic?!

Roxy: It wasn't an equal playing field, and I'd rather fight someone when I know for sure I can beat them. Besides... I have a bigger question to ask. You live here, right? How has it never occurred to you to read the rules of your own living space? Since your Dorm Leader is so infamous for the strictness of these rules, you'd perhaps... Scan the rulebook at least once?!

Ace: Ack... Roxy...

(Ace was completely speechless by being put on full-blast, the worst part was that there was nothing to argue besides laziness. Everyone silently agreed that Roxy had a point.)

Roxy: *sighs* 'Good grief, does he not have even an ounce of common sense? But I can't stay too mad at him.' Anyways... The only thing we can do now is come back with a tart, right?

(Ace sighed to himself seeing as he was off the hook for now. While Deuce stuttered his reply.)

Deuce: R-right. We can go after... Uhhh!!! Crap!!

Roxy: What is... Oh, shoot! 'Is that the time!?'

(Roxy quickly pulls out her phone to check and see it is almost time for the first period to start!)

Deuce: This is bad, the warning bell already rang! We're gonna be late!

Grim: Ffgna! My shining school life is going to be tarnished on day one! Let's get a move on!

Shikoku: Wait a second, which class are we going to?

Ace: What class you two in, you're first years right?

Grim: The Headmaster told us class 1-A!

Deuce: Wow, we're all in the same class. First period is potions.

Grim: Woooooh! Sounds like fun!

Roxy: Depends. 'Honestly, I could use your enthusiasm, Grim. But wait until you're inside and see what school life is actually like.''

Ace: (mutters) I can't use magic so I wonder how this'll go...

Roxy: I'm sure it'll be fine, I'm always willing to lend a helping hand if you need me.

(Ace immediately contemplated Roxy's offer as the group took off running to class.)

First-Period 'Potions'

???: So you all are the fresh faces in my homeroom. Hmmm, there are some rare hair colors in the bunch. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it daily.

Roxy: 'What does he mean by that??'

Crewel: My name is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me Master Crewel. Take your seats. Class will begin... First for the basics. I will beat the names and appearances of 100 types of medicine and poison into your little brains.

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