Prologue: Extra!

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(After avoiding expulsion Roxy can relax a bit before it's time for classes tomorrow. Back at Ramshackle Roxy was getting ready for bed. And was sitting on the bed looking at her phone again to see there was no signal.)

Roxy: *sigh* still no signal.

(Roxy carefully walked down the stairs by not stepping on any rotten floorboards. She made it to the lounge and sat down on the good couch.)

Roxy: 'How did all of this happen in just a couple of days, I can only imagine it's going to get crazier. And now I'm a prefect? I've only been capable of being a regular student at home, and now I have one of the highest roles with a lot of responsibilities!? I never asked for that! And what are the chances of me ever making it back home when I'm stuck in this one-'

Grim: Hey, minion I wanna talk.

Roxy: Huh?! Oh, yeah, Grim. What's up?

(Grim quietly pulls out a small box in his paws with a blue ribbon on top, and looks away from her before speaking.)

Grim: T-this is for you!

Roxy: I don't understand. What's the occasion?

Grim: *sighs* Bat ears wanted me to give you this and for me to say sorry, and thank you for letting me into the school. So you better accept this gift from the Great Grim!

Roxy: *snickers* Okay, okay I got it.

(Roxy opens the box and inside she sees it's a yard of striped ribbon, the same one on his bow.)

Roxy: Oh, it's pretty. But, where did you get this?

Grim: The ghosts helped pitch in, and we'll both match.

Roxy: Aw, Grim.

(Roxy got up after putting the box down, crouched down, and picked him up before squeezing him tightly as she expressed her appreciation.)

Roxy: That's so sweet of you. Thank you so much!

Grim: Ack! Hey, get offa me! I'm getting crushed!

Roxy: Oh, whoops. Sorry. Anyway, I know exactly what I'm going to do with this.

(Roxy takes the box with the ribbon while running upstairs into their shared bedroom. With Grim standing silently in the lounge.)

Grim: Huh, that felt kinda nice. I haven't met anyone like her in... forever. Maybe it won't be so bad having her here, and I guess bat ears. (puffs up chest) But of course, the Great Grim can do anything!

(With Roxy in the shared bedroom and puts on her school jacket and ties the ribbon into a bow onto her left arm so that it resembles the armbands the students wear. Once she's done she stands in front of the mirror with the jacket by slightly tugging and readjusting the ribbon. While standing proudly with a satisfied look.)

Roxy: Perfect, now it looks much better.

(Not too long Grim comes upstairs before yawning, and Shikoku was already nestled into bed on one of the pillows.)

Grim: *yawns* I'm beat, goodnight.

Roxy: Yeah, goodnight Grim.

(Roxy takes off the jacket, turns off the lights, and climbs into bed before laying on her side while her thoughts linger.)

Roxy: 'Even if things are stressful since I can't let my guard down around these people.

There are some things to appreciate. It might not be so bad here and until I find a way back, I can adapt to this lifestyle... In this Twisted Wonderland.' *yawns*

(The scene ends as Roxy closes her eyes and falls asleep.)

The End

The End

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