Ryomen Sukuna

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Your POV

Megumi and I were walking across the school grounds after dark, figuring it would be the best time to retrieve the object. We finally made our way to the small hutch at the back of the school where the object should be. I tightened my blindfold as we walked closer, since I had been messing with the stands during our walk. 

"I got it," I sighed heavily as I walked over to the hutch, "I swear, out elders are absolute idiots. Why keep Ryomen Sukuna's finger at a public high school?"

"Beats me," Megumi shrugged, just as annoyed as I was that we were even here. This was Satoru's job. 

I bent down to the hutch, noticing that the clasp wasn't even locked or anything. Hm, that weird. Nonetheless, I opened the doors and peered inside. A strangled noise left my throat at the sight before me. There was... nothing. Literally nothing was inside the hutch. 

"What is it?" Megumi asked worriedly. 

"That damn finger isn't here!" I groaned.

"You can't be serious..." he trailed off, running to my side and looking in the box. He was practically halfway in the box as he rummaged around. He looked under it, above it, around it, and even tried opening and closing the doors a few times to see if by some miracle it would reappear. 

I grumbled under my breath as I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed my brother. He picked up after three rings, and before he could even get word out, I simply stated, "There's nothing here."


"The Stevenson Hutch is empty."

"For real? That's hilarious. Maybe it took a nighttime stroll."

"Satoru, I'm going to punch you."

"Well... No going home until it's recovered. Okay?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear, a distasteful look on my face, "He just hung up on me! Ugh, when we get back to Jujutsu High-!" I shoved my phone back in my pocket turning to my best friend. 

"Let me guess, we can't come home until it's recovered," Megumi spoke annoyedly. I nodded in response. "I'm seriously going to punch him."

"Take a number."

The Next Day...

Megumi and I spent the night at a hotel, graciously paid for with my brother's credit card. That afternoon, we went back to the school. The students were still there, so we decided to just wear some casual clothes instead of our uniforms so we wouldn't be singled out. I also switched out my blindfold for a pair of sunglasses. 

We walked around more of the school trying to find the cursed finger. We were currently on the rugby field, which was being occupied by a grade2 cursed spirit. It swam through the ground as if it were water before climbing up the goal post and perching on top. It made a few gurgling sounds as it looked down at us. 

"Tch. Not here," I stated, grabbing Megumi's arm and urging him to follow me. 

The object felt like it was close by, but that could just be a trace of it. It was hard to pin down its exact location, even with my Six Eyes. 

When we reached the top of the steps, Megumi stepped over the barrier first, then offered me a hand to help me over. I took it, smiling teasingly as I said, "Such a gentleman." He let out a puff of air in amusement before dropping my hand.

We heard a few kids calling to each other, "Hey, come here! Check this out! Coach Takagi is taking on Itadori from West Middle!"

"Wow! What are they competing for?"

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