Curse Womb Must Die Part 1

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Your POV

"Definitely a curse womb," Ijichi said, "Our window verified that. About three hours ago. Once 90% were evacuated, the decision was made to seal off the center. All citizens within a 500-meter radius have been evacuated as well."

"I, uh, have a question. What is this window?" Itadori asked.

Ijichi replied, "It's an inhouse term for unique members of Jujutsu High who can see curses. But they aren't sorcerers."

"Oh, okay."

"Let's continue," Ijichi spoke, "Detainee block 2. At present, 5 detainees are still inside. Along with the curse womb. If the curse womb is the type that metamorphose, we predict it will become a special grade cursed spirit."

Special Grade? That's not good.

"Hey, so, I still don't really understand what this special grade means...," Itadori said, causing Megumi, Kugisaki, and me to sigh.

Ijichi, as patiently as he could, replied, "Alright, allow me to explain at idiot level. First, there's grade 4, a wooden bat is enough for them. Grade 3, if you have a handgun you can rest easy. Grade 2, close call with a shotgun. Grade 1, even a tank may be insufficient. Then, special grade, well you might be on even footing if you carpet bomb it with cluster bombs."

"That is bad!" Itadori gasped.

I sighed as I added, "This should be Satoru's job since he's the highest-ranking special grade sorcerer."

"That figures," Itadori said, "So, where is Gojo?"

"Away on business," I rolled my eyes.

Megumi butted in, "A guy like him has better things to do than loaf around the school in the first place."

"I wouldn't go that far...," I mumbled under my breath.

"Unfortunately," Ijichi continued, "We're often shorthanded in this business. You'll often have to take missions beyond your expertise. However, this current case is an urgent one and most abnormal. So, no matter what, don't fight. And if you should encounter a special grade, you run or you die. Please do not disregard your fears. And don't forget that your entire mission here today is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors."

"Excuse me, sir! Tell me, where's my son?" A woman called out from the gate. She was being held back by a few men in suits.

"Stay back ma'am. You can't come in here. Move back please," One of them said.

She ignored him, asking, "Where's Tadashi? I need to know if my son Tadashi is alright."

The woman continued to yell to us, but the men kept telling her the same thing. Ijichi stepped forward and told her, "Please leave, madam. It's possible that someone may have released poisonous gas in the compound. I'm afraid we can't share anymore details at this time."

She sunk down near the ground and covered her face as she cried. I felt bad for her, not knowing if her child was alive.

"Fushiguro. Kugisaki. Y/N. We'll save them," Itadori said determinedly.

"Of course," Kugisaki agreed. I nodded while Megumi simply grunted in response.

Ijichi then walked with us to block 2 as the rain started coming down around us. It gave the place a much more eerie and sad feeling.

"Be careful," Ijichi told us, "I'll put up my veil." He held up two fingers as he said the short phrase, "Emerge from darkness blacker still. Purify that which is impure." A bluish, black blob started to cover the jail in a dome.

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