For Myself

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Your POV

I clutched my scythe tightly in my hands as black swirls of cursed energy began to form around Megumi.

"No, really. I'm feeling fine," Itadori said, holding his hands up, the markings starting to disappear, "Besides, you and I are both pretty beat up. Shouldn't we see a doctor?"

Megumi looked at me for some kind of conformation on whether or not this was actually Itadori. I looked at him with wide eyes, unsure of who we were speaking to. I've never seen anything like this before, and I didn't know how to interpret what I was seeing with my Six Eyes.

"What's the situation?"

I wanted to cry tears of joy and kill my brother at the same time. Megumi and I released our cursed techniques, turning to the white-haired man behind us.

"Satoru Gojo?" Megumi gasped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He waved at us, "Hey. I wasn't planning on showing up, but you got kinda roughed up, kid." Satoru smirked and pulled out his phone, "I'll show the second years. Say cheese!" He took like, 1000 pictures of Megumi. "I got an earful from the higher ups cause the special grade cursed object's still missing. Thought I'd do a little sightseeing and stop by. So, did you find it, yet?"

Megumi and I looked between each other before turning our head to the ground.

"Uh, sorry," Itadori butted it, "But I ate that thing."


"I did."

"He did."

Satoru tilted his head as he walked up to the boy, getting really close to his face. Then, he laughed incredulously, "Damn, it really did combine with you. That's hilarious."

"Satoru, I swear-" I started.

He quickly cut me off by turning to the boy, "Anything weird about your body?"

"Nah, seems okay," Itadori replied.

"Can you swap with Sukuna at will?" Satoru asked.

Itadori replied with his own question, "Sukuna?"

"Yeah," Satoru replied, "The curse you ate?"

"Oh, yeah," Itadori answered simply, "I think I can do that."

Satoru begins stretching as he says, "Okay. Give us 10 seconds. Then, change right back into yourself."

"Yeah, but..."

"Don't worry," Satoru assures with a cheeky grin, "I'm way too strong for him. Megumi! Hold onto this for me, will ya?"

Satoru tosses Megumi the bag he was holding, "So, what is this?" My friend inquires.

I leaned over his shoulder and peered into the bag. My jaw dropped upon seeing that he had stopped for a damn dessert while we were out here risking our lives.

"Kikufuku from Kikusuya. It's a Sendai specialty and it's super good," my brother replies, "I recommend the Zunda and Cream flavor."

My jaw clenched as I glared daggers at the man, "Satoru, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Oh, don't be so sour, little sister," he replied with a smirk, "I got you some too-"

"Look out!" Megumi shouted, seeing Sukuna in the air behind Satoru.

Satoru continued talking about his kikufuku as the curse tried to attack him. I quickly activated my infinity, kneeling down in front of Megumi to protect him from any more harm. There was a blast of dust that blocked my sight momentarily, but when the dust cleared, I was face to face with the King himself. He was knelt down on all fours as Toru leaned on his back.

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