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Previously on Not so lonely After all...

"Yo check this one" Sero says, he calls over his friends. Everyone comes over and stare in astonishment. especially kirishima. 




Kirishima's POV

Woah...i..i- i dont..."SURPRISE! Hehe do you like it?" Mina yells and squeals. i turn to look at her not really knowing what to say. "You...did this?" I ask. Mina shakes her head no "Nooo silly i suck ass at art you know this! buuuuutttt i did help bakugou make it" She says in all her excitement. 

..wait helped him?...so they...talked to each other? "W-wait hold on...how did you..im confused" i say. Denki rubs his shoulder against mine and smiles widely. "Well i figured that bakugou's the bottom so i made friends with him. So far i still havent found out who's he in love with or  dating. BUT he did ask for a awesome picture of you for the assignment...he said he's like extra credit or something." 

"Uh huh"
"So i gave him the hottest picture of you, in exchange for him to meet me today  at lunch...which is now so i think he..isnt coming.." Mina says sadly. 

she shakes her head and smiles again. "But! its all worth it soooo whaddya think? do you like it?" Mina asks. i see the rest of the group signal that their going to eat. "Uh...uhm" i..cant say anything...what the hell. 

"i-...i love it" I say faking m y signature smile. Mina shrugs as if to say 'your in shock so its whatever'. i turn back to the painting...the pose


..it looks the..same

"I-...let me explai-"


"Kirishima i n..i never-"

"YOU NEVER WHAT? NEVER WANTED ME TO FUCKING FIND IT? NEVER WANTED TO GET CAUGHT?...well..you did get caught...and honestly..i think you are the most disgusting human being in the entire world...fuck you bakugou!"

...i..i really..really...messed up..

Third Person's POV

Kirishima stares at the painting for quite a while. Everything isnt clear everything moving and going so fast in his head...the emotions the fight he had with bakugou, when bakugou saved him from dying out there in the woods...the care bakugou had for him. 

kirishima's eyes start watering "Woah kiri! why are you crying? is it that bad?" Mina says, holding kirishima. "N-no...its nothing to do with the painting.."
"then why are you crying?" 

"...I messed up...i messed up really bad with...bakugou" kirishima confesses. Mina's eyes widen as she pieces everything together. "Wait...do-dont tell me you're the reason bakugou hasnt been coming to school?" 

Kirishima stayed quiet...his silence spoke volumes to mina. She looked at him sadly and patted his back. "You two had a fight didnt you.." mina said. Kirishima stayed silence but nodded his head. "Because of this painting?"  Mina  questioned again 

Kirishima nodded his head once again. "..oh kiri.." Mina said her tone getting sadder every time she speaks. A tear from Kirishima's eye falls, down his cheek and drops to the floor. the longer he stares at the painting the more he feels. 

the visions of the fight replay in his head over and over and over. Kirishima cant take it anymore he runs out of the art class, mina yells out words but he cant hear them. Everything is silent only thing in his head are the cries of bakugou yells at him...for him..

the fight, the painting, the words he yelled at bakugou. 

I'm sorry i'm sorry im sorry

Kirishima repeats over and over and over in his head. he runs and runs past the other classes, the student, the cafeteria, his squad. he runs out of the school and runs away. He runs to the park close to the school. 

he takes a breather on the grass of the park. the noise of the outside world is fading back in. He hears the dogs barking..reminds him of kiken and dangan.  "Fuuuuuuuckkkkk!" he yells out. 

Kirishima shouts and yells continuously,  he quiets down and takes a breath 

"Kirishima?" a familiar voice is heard.

That's all on Not so lonely After all

i'm sorry, i've been busy also i had writers block.

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