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forgive me

the thing is i got distracted

basically i had exams then one of my friends made a youtube channel and asked me to teach him editing.

then GCSE choices happened and one of my friends chose the same stuff as me (she definetly copied me). in my skl we have entrance exams for each of our choices to see if we are suitable for it but she doesnt know that much abt coding or science, so i had to teach her a lot. and then i completely forgot abt this. 

dw i promise ill try to write a lot.

but im going to have end of year exams in a few weeks so. 

hopefully i pump a lot rn that i can schedule for later on so it looks like im consistent.

im going to have to read over my work. in my notes i have a lot of chapter but yh im not sure if they are in the story here.


i figured out a way on how to make the story pereyna/preyna

but i also rly love perlia

its up to u


1. preyna

2. perlia

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