Annabeth WHY!! and Capture

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As the night deepened, the distant sound of hoofbeats echoed through the grounds of Westover Hall. The arrival of the Hunters of Artemis was swift and silent, their silver-clad forms materializing like wraiths in the moonlight. Thalia and Annabeth watched in awe as Artemis herself, the goddess of the hunt, appeared at the forefront, her presence commanding reverence and respect.

Thalia, her heart racing with a mixture of emotions, approached the goddess, her words carefully chosen. "Artemis, we witnessed something unexpected here tonight.

Artemis, her gaze unwavering, nodded for Thalia to continue.

Thalia recounted the events at Westover Hall, from a boy's sudden appearance to the attack of Dr. Thorn, the manticore. She spared no detail, her narrative filled with urgency and concern. 

Artemis listened with an air of serene wisdom, her gaze drifting to Annabeth, who stood beside Thalia.

Once Thalia had finished, Artemis turned her attention to Annabeth, her voice cool and measured. "Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, the events of this night have shown your dedication and valor. In recognition of your actions, I offer you a place among the Hunters of Artemis, should you choose to accept."

Annabeth's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. The idea of joining the Hunt, with all its implications, had never crossed her mind before. She glanced at Thalia, who wore an expression of deep consideration.

Thalia, her voice filled with conviction, declined Artemis's offer. "I appreciate the honor, but I cannot accept. My path is different, and my loyalty remains with my friends and the quests we've undertaken together."

Artemis nodded in understanding, her gaze returning to Annabeth. "And what is your decision, Annabeth Chase?"

Annabeth hesitated for a moment, her thoughts racing. She had always admired the strength and independence of the Hunters, and the idea of a life free from the complications of romantic entanglements had its appeal. Then, she looked at Artemis and said, "I accept."

Artemis's face showed no emotion as she continued, "Very well then. Repeat after me, 'I, Annabeth, pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt.'"

Annabeth took a deep breath, her voice steady as she repeated the oath, "I, Annabeth, pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt."

The words hung in the air, sealing Annabeth's fate. She had made her choice, and the goddess's offer had been accepted. The air was charged with a sense of profound transformation, of a new beginning for Annabeth, and the weight of the decision was palpable.

Thalia, who had been silent throughout the exchange, felt a pang of betrayal. She and Annabeth had faced countless challenges together, and now their paths were diverging. She turned away, unable to hide the hurt in her eyes. Her decision to remain loyal to her existing bonds had left her feeling alone in her choices.

Artemis's decision had been made, and the Hunters of Artemis would gain a new member. The events at Westover Hall had set the stage for a change in the lives of these demigods, and the consequences of their choices would continue to ripple through their journeys, leaving them with both newfound opportunities and the bittersweet taste of change.

"Now, please wait for my Idiot brother to arrive, I will get him to take you to camp while I hunt down a mysterious and monstrous presence I have felt, and Zoe, the hunters go to camp as well, my decision is final, you can use my cabin for the time being." announced Artemis

Zoe showed slight signs of anger but that left as quickly as it came.

Thalia found herself behind the reins of the sun chariot, a vehicle that Apollo had ordered her to steer across the sky as both of them were children of Zeus. The exhilaration of the task combined with Thalia's legendary impulsiveness proved to be a volatile mix.

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