Reaction to KOTLC Books

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LinhIsDaBest: Hi everyone! Today, we are interviewing... ahem, drumroll please... *drumroll sound* Sophie and the crew! *audience applause and cheers*. What they don't know, though is that we are making them react to our human/fobidden cities stuff. Any questions? *person raises their hands* yes, person?

Person: My name is Amanda (Amanda is not real, I made her up so that she could ask the question and help me in the future with all the interviewing) and what if we also make them react to ships?

LinhIsDaBest: Yes! That would be wonderful though I do need some ship suggestions because I haven't really come up with time to make ships because I only ship friend status ships so...  everyone reading this, PLEASE SUGGEST SHIPS IN COMMENTS!!! *imparter rings*

Amanda: You have an imparter?

LinhIsDaBest: Yup. Sophie gave it to me when I requested the interview. (Speaks to imparter) Hello?

Sophie *face pops onto small screen* Hi LinhIsDaBest! We will be arriving in 1 hour!

LinhIsDaBest: Great! See you in an hour!

*one hour later*

*Sophie and the crew arrive*

Sophie: *pant pant* Are we late? *trips but Biana catches her*

LinhIsDaBest: If you don't count 5 milliseconds, then you are perfectly on time!

Sophie: Oh good, Keefe was busy styling his hair to care about what time it was.

Keefe: Hey! Hair takes time! *smirks* And you know that you won't stay mad at me forever.

Sophie: Nuh-uh!

Keefe: Uh-huh! Do not underestimate Empath skills, Foster!

Linh: You guys! We're are here to get interviewed, not fight about hair and time!

LinhIsDaBest: Yeah! Exactly! This is why Linh is my favorite character! She's always nice!

Linh: *beams* Thank you!

LinhIsDaBest: Ok, back to business, first question, do any of you like your experience fighting the Neverseen.

Keefe: Sometimes but not when Foster nearly dies!

LinhIsDaBest: Ya mean when your Lady Fos-Boss nearly Fosters it? *smirks*


LinhIsDaBest: Hay is for horses, not people. Anyways, I present you.... Ahem, why do I always have to ask for drumroll, you drumroll people should be listening! *drumroll* Thank you. Now, I present you... *drumroll* THE BEST BOOK OF THE CENTURY!!! *gets rid of the table cloth to show all the Keeper of the Lost Cities books so far, when I wrote it, basically Keeper, Exile, Everblaze, Neverseen, Lodestar, Nightfall, Flashback, Legacy, Unlocked, Stellarlune, illustrated edition Keeper, and Keeper graphic novel part 1*

Sophie: *gently touching the cover* Is that... us?

LinhIsDaBest: Yup!

Keefe: Why didn't you tell me? Did YOU write it?

LinhIsDaBest: Nope, Shannon Messenger wrote it and I'm just recording everything you say...

Dex: With those human microphones?

LinhIsDaBest: With paper. And then I'm going to type it onto Wattpad for everyone to see and Keefe, did you know how long it took me to find you guys?!

Dex: Oh! Is Wattpad a thing to read digital books?

LinhIsDaBest: Yup, how did you know?

Dex: My mom is into human movies.

LinhIsDaBest: Oh wait, yeah, it mentions that your mom is into human movies and that's why you knew about iPods.

Tam: How does this Shannon person record everything?!

LinhIsDaBest: *shrugs* no idea but you can ask her. So you guys should all read it and see how you like it!

Keefe: Dow we haaaaaaaaave to?

LinhIsDaBest: *voice darkens* YOU READ OR YOU DIE!

Keefe: Fiiiiiiiiiiine.

LinhIsDaBest: *voice turns back into its normal, sunshiny cheerful way* You'll like this book, Keefe, it's SO much better than your dad's nasty Empath book.

Keefe: Finally! Someone gets me that my dad's book is boring!

LinhIsDaBest: Also, if I were an elf, I would be an Empath and Hydrokinetic!

Biana: How did you know?

LinhIsDaBest: Humans have these quiz thingy to determine your ability!

Sophie: Oh wow, we must be in style and "No buts and hey" are out of style!

LinhIsDaBest: Yup you definitely are, so many humans read your books and, in my opinion, I'm the most obsessed one!

Amanda: How? And I thought was the most obsessed one.

LinhIsDaBest: Do you make your own KOTLC inspired t-shirts because your parents won't get you any and search memes 24/7 to print and to give to your friends every Monday? (This is true, my readers, ask my friends who read KOTLC)

Amanda: Uhh... no?

LinhIsDaBest: Exactly! *smug grin* *turning to face the keeper crew* So are any of you done reading the first book?

Sophie: Three chapters left! Wow! This is so detailed! All of this really DID happen.

Linh: When do Tam and I come in?

LinhIsDaBest: 4th book, the book is called Neverseen.

Linh: Ok, I better read fast!

LinhIsDaBest: Oh wow! I did not expect any of you to read all the series!

Keefe: *closing Stellarlune* Done! LinhIsDaBest, you are right! Where can I buy these books?

LinhIsDaBest: Well, these are the Enlightened Language version which I translated so you can keep the ones you read, everyone can keep them.

Keefe: How do YOU know the Enlightened Language?

LinhIsDaBest: I learned it, silly. *timer rings* Looks like we're done for today, see you tomorrow!

Sophie and crew: Bye!

Amanda: Bye!

* the Keeper crew lightleaps away to Havenfield after getting off the stage, and goes to the glass ceiling so they have light to leap away*

 *everyone in auditorium watching them leaves*

*everyone watching from TV watches the next channel*

*Amanda and drumroll people exit stage*

LinhIsDaBest: *exits stage*

Author's note: Well, THAT was a long chapter! See you at the next reactions! And remember to recommend ships! Heads up, it's going to be the ship fedex the next time! Thank you to my friend who suggested it and is clearly obsessed with fedex but clearly not more than how much I'm obsessed with KOTLC!

- LinhIsDaBest 

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