Reaction to Sokeefe and announcement!

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Author's note: Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while since I was so busy. If you have read my book, KOTLC Sleepover!, I won't be updating there a while since I need to update more here. Hope you like this chapter!

- LinhIsDaBest 

LinhIsDaBest: Hi everyone!

*chorus of hellos from the audience*

LinhIsDaBest: *checks iPad* Looks like we have... *drumroll sound* 52 people reading this! Thank you all!

*audience cheers*

Biana: Hi! Sorry we're late! We were too busy online shopping!

Sophie: Except for me.

LinhIsDaBest: Today we are reacting to another ship!

*Keeper crew groans*

LinhIsDaBest: To Sokeefe!

Sophie: *face is cherry red* W-what? I don't l-like K-Keefe!

LinhIsDaBest: *smirks* Look in the mirror and say that to yourself again.

Keefe: *looks at Sophie and turns redder than Sophie* I d-don't l-l-like h-her.

Biana: OMG! You two should see how red you guys are!

Sophie: *blushes even redder if that was even possible* Ok, fineeeee. I like Keefe. I get if you don't like me back.

Keefe: Sophie, I want you to always remember that you are in my heart. *pats heart*

Linh: Awwww! You guys are so cute!

*Keefe and Sophie is redder IF that is even possible because right now they look liked they got dunked into ketchup*

Marella: (sorry guys for not letting her talk that much, including Maruca and kinda Amanda so tell me if there is are any KOTLC characters that haven't spoke yet) A ship has sailed today!

All the girls except Sophie who was still blushing: WE SHIP SOKEEFE FOREVER AND EVER UNTIL THE END OF ETERNITY!!! (Sorry Sophitz shippers! If you want Sophitz love, go to my one shots book and suggest!)

Amanda: I can't believe it! FINALLY!!! I mean, if you read Stellarlune, in my opinion, that wasn't enough!

LinhIsDaBest: Well, that was enough for me! *runs off stage to barf in the bathroom (and if you know me, you will understand why I think it's enough)*

Biana: I think Sokeefe is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet!

All the girls except Sophie, Biana, and LinhIsDaBest who is currently barfing from Stellarlune spoilers from my friends about way too much Sokeefe: YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fitz: Sophie, I'm glad we got over our breakup and both moved onto other people so it wouldn't be awkward.

Sophie: Yeah

*timer rings while LinhIsDaBest comes back*

LinhIsDaBest: So, was the reactions positive or negative?

Everyone except Tam: POSITIVE!!!!!

Tam: *mumbles* negative

LinhIsDaBest: I should have guessed. Oh well, goodbye everyone! See you next time.

*exits the same way as always*

Author's note: I hoped you liked it! There is a very important announcement! If you read the Fedex chapter before Jan 24th, 2024, please read it again. Clarisse told me that there is not enough Fedex and reactions so I will be editing. Sorry if it's not so good, today was really busy and tiring for me. I slipped today at school, and if I were a cartoon character, there would be humongous red bumps on my head, elbow and hip, but since I'm not, you can't see the bump on my head and hips well but it hurts a lot and there is no exact bump on my elbow but whenever I move that arm, it hurts sooooooooooo much, which gives me kinda a hard time typing. So please reread the Fedex reaction once more an tell me how you like it! Thanks!

- LinhIsDaBest 

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