Reaction to FedEx (the shipping stuff kind, not the ship of Dexy and Ritz)

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LinhIsDaBest: Hi!

Biana: Hello! What are we reacting to today?

LinhIsDaBest: FedEx.

Keefe: Whaaat, we've done Mr. Cinnamon Roll and Ritz Savory Cracker, for, like a hundred gazillion times!

Sophie: Not Fedex, FedEx.

Keefe: What's the difference? They're both Fedex cause they sound like it. (AN: In my imagination, they are talking and stuff, so he doesn't know about the capital E)

LinhIsDaBest: No, FedEx has a capital E, and Fedex is just a normal E.

Keefe: What's an eee?

LinhIsDaBest: It's something in English.

Keefe: Whatever, I don't care. Sophie, how did you understand this language. It's so confusing.

LinhIsDaBest and Sophie: *rolls eyes and slaps head 🙄🤦‍♀️*

Linh: Actually, it's not that hard, I've learned it on my new phone thingy. 

LinhIsDaBest: Yes. In fact, it is an easy language for most that lots of people speak. I speak Mandarin Chinese and it is harder, with all the different accents and stuff. don't get me started on reading and writing Chinese! 

Fitz: Wait, I thought mandarins some kind of orange fruit that Sophie once brought? How do you speak fruit.

LinhIsDaBest: Never mind. We need to get to reaction! *thrusts out box in hands* Ta-da!

Biana: Isn't that the highly ripping brown box with the sticky white, purple, and orange stuff that online shopping stuff comes in?

LinhIsDaBest: Yup! FedEx is a shipping thing.

Wylie: Wait so FedEx is another Fitz and another Dex that is a ship and they bring people stuff?

LinhIsDaBest: No! Bringing people their stuff by truck is called shipping.

Biana: So people buy Dex and my brother? 

LinhIsDaBest: Nope. The name is just a coincidence 

Keefe: Fitz, Dex, why didn't you tell us that you go to people's houses in trucks?

LinhIsDaBest: 🤦‍♀️ never mind. I have to go now, bye!

KOTLC Crew: Bye!

AN: Sorry I didn't update in so long! Also, I'm thinking if I should discontinue this book because it is crappy and not a lot of people like it and stuff.

- LinhIsDaBest

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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