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No one's POV

Yn was sure that her plan will work. And it will. She just doesn't know how bad it's gonna turn.

Time skip to the party>>>>>

It's really crowded here, and I'm kinda lost. But I don't care, I need my plan to work. I'll try to find Ariana later now I need to find a guy and you'll see why.

I walk a little bit and see a few guys seating here and there so walk up to them and ask in a seductive way

"Do one of y'all wanna help me please, I need to make someone jealous."

They just look at me uninterested. "We're gonna need to kiss and dance a little and you know" I said and wink

One of them got up and put their hands around my waist.  "Okay follow me"

I take his hand and guide him towards the dance floor while looking for Ariana. Yes! Found her and she's looking at me right now.

I pulled the guy towards me and started kissing him passionately.  He tightened his grip around my waist and put his hands on my butt.

In the corner of my eyes, I see Ariana looking at me with furious eyes. She crossed her arms and shifted in her chair.

I pulled away and we started dancing his front against my back. I saw that Ariana had stormed off so I began to pull away.

But he wouldn't let go. He started rubbing his hands against my waist and it made me really uncomfortable.

"Okay I said let go," I warned but he wouldn't budge. Instead he gripped my hand hard and started pushing me towards the stair.

"I SAID LET ME GO", I screamed, hoping that people will hear me over the loud sound of the music.

Suddenly, he slapped me, real hard. "You're gonna shut the fuck up and let me do whatever I want to do with you okay little slut"

I started to cry and tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. He dragged me up the stairs and tried to take off my clothes.

Ariana's POV

I just stormed off to the bathroom . I couldn't bare to see Yn dancing with another person. Plus it was a boy, so in 10x more hard to see.

As I splash my face with water, I hear someone's cries. I shrug it off and dry my face.

I then try to find a bedroom to relax a little because I'm a little bit tipsy and it was my friend who drove us here so.

I open a random door and see Yn trying to get out of the grips of the guy she made me jealous with. I gasped really loud and he turned around.

"Leave her alone you freak!" I tried to pushed  him against the wall but pushed me harder and I fell, my head knocking against the corner of the desk.

"Oh fuck" I mumbled. That shit hurt like a bitch. I touched my head and felt warm liquid on my hand.
I'm fucking bleeding.

"Hey what's your problem! Leave us alone!" Yn says while zipping her dress back.

I get up and punched the shit out of him. After a few minutes, my arms got tired and I looked at him. He passed out.

I get up and look to see Yn crying in the bed. "Yn are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No, but you're bleeding come on"

She guided me to the bathroom and put me in the toilet seat. Searched and found alcohol and a big bandage.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked me


"Why'd you defend me. You hate me."

"Yn I don't hate you. Far from that. And you were struggling I couldn't let you get rapped so"

"Yeah but at school you bullied me for all those years"

I groaned, the alcohol hurts like a bitch. "It's because I loved you and I still do. I just wanted you to look at me. To like me, you know"

She sighed softly and looked at me in the eyes.

"I like you too."

We leaned in and our lips met. Oh. My. God. I'm kissing my crush now.

She pulled away and put her forehead against mine.

"I'm so so sorry and I promise you to not ever bother you again."

"I hope so", she said while chuckling.

No one POV

After this eventful night, Ariana asked Yn to go on a date her. They started off slow and became really close.

After a while, they started dating.

Who knew that enemies could and up as lovers?

Hey, it's the last part for bully. I hope liked it and if you have any ideas write it down in the comments. And don't forget to like 💞💞


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